To: @invisibilitycloaks

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To: @invisibilitycloaks

From: @taytay321

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Ok Hi! So this is the first time I've ever written a one-shot! I hope it's up to what you were hopping for. I'm so sorry if it's not good enough:) It's my first time as said above. I'm sorry that it's in first person if it was supposed it be in second or third. 

So I hope you enjoy! This one shot is for


Merry Christmas!



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A Not So Lonely Christmas

I sighed as the cold winter air hit my body. Winters in England weren't any warmer than the ones in America that I was used to.

Air hit my body, blowing my blonde hair around me. 

After my short walk from my apartment building to Starbucks, I walked to the counter to order. 

"Hello. Can I get a small, chocolate mocha?" I asked. 

"Sure. What's you name? That will be.." The girl behind the counter asked. 

"My name's Cas." I said as I handed her the money. 

She gave me my change. I found a booth to wait at. 

Well. Merry Christmas to me. 

Ever since I came to this stupid town, I've been alone. No friends. No family. No anybody. I've debated going back to where I came from. But nothing would happen there either. 

Thats why I moved to London. I wanted a fresh start. I was tired of my little small town in America. So I left the states and moved here once I turned 18. 

"Cas?" a man asked. 

"That's me." I said as I went to get my coffee. 

Once I got my coffee I headed back to my apartment. 

On the walk there, I let my mind wander. Sometimes that's a dangerous thing, so I can't let it wander all the time. 

You forgot to ship your sister's present, let alone buy one! 

Oh crap.

I quickly turned around and ran to fetch a taxi. Once flagging one down, I told the driver to head to the mall. 

We got there quickly. I handed him the money and speed walked into the building.

What to get her what to get her.... I wondered.

I mean she's only 3. So what to get her.

I walked to the nearest you store. I know she loved to play with dolls. I liked around and found a cute doll that had the same name as my sister, Lily. 

I walked to the check out slowly. I knew the line would be long. 

After FINALLY checking out, I decided to walk around the mall. I had nothing else to do on the lonely Christmas Eve.

I went to some of my favorite shops. After walking around for a bit, I heard a beautiful sound. It sounded like a piano. 

I followed the sound. It lead me to a group of pianos in the mall for sale. 

Huh. That's weird but I'll take it. 

I absolutely love to playing piano and make music. I walked up to a baby grand piano. I motioned to the sales man to come here. He pointed to himself and I nodded. He walked toward me. 

Merry Christmas, Love WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now