To: @taytay321

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To: @taytay321

From: @cuddlylirry

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Hi, this is cuddlylirry (aka Rae) and I really hope you enjoy your one shot. Sorry it’s not very long, but I worked pretty hard on it. Also, the song I would recommend listening to whilst reading this is You and I and Strong both by One Direction (even though it’s not a One Direction one shot). I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family and friends. Xx

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There is something so beautiful and sensational about snow. The way perfectly formed snowflakes fall from the sky in their own shape and form. The way, once the small flakes have reached the ground, a blanket of white is formed, so soft, so delicate, and so beautiful.

I guess that’s what makes winter so special for Taylor – the scenery of it all. The slight crunching sound that is made when you take your first step in fresh snow. She waits every year for the moment: To take her first winter’s walk with her boyfriend, Hunter in fresh snow. To the population of the world it seems like it is so stupid to get excited over something so small, but to Taylor it’s everything.

The fire, which she is sat next to, continues burning in its oranges and reds and occasionally yellows. The incandescent colours illuminating the room she is sat in. Even though fire is something so dangerous, it is undeniably beautiful – the way the flames rise up together, in colours of red and orange and yellow, how from far the lethal flames can be seen.

‘Here you go, baby girl,’ Hunter walks into the room, in his hand two steaming mugs of hot chocolate topped with cream and extra marshmallows.  The chocolate aroma races up Taylor’s nose and she can’t help but let out a sigh of delight. ‘Christmas tomorrow, eh?’ he smiles sitting himself down next to Taylor on the floor near the burning fire.  Taylor just simply shrugs and brings the mug of hot chocolate to her face in hope that it would warm her up in a way nothing else possibly could, besides Hunter. ‘Tay, you can’t still be mad,’ Hunter sighs in exasperation.

‘I’m not. I just don’t really like Christmas,’ Taylor whispers, but her voice is barely heard – even the crackles of the fire overpower her voice. Hunter is more than aware that Taylor isn’t a big fan of Christmas; he doesn’t know whether she really isn’t mad at him. She’s more of a closed book, you have to look underneath it all, in between the pages, to find her feelings and even then it is a challenge.

Hunter sets his mug down on the table in front of him and does the same with Taylor’s. He then pulls her into a warm embrace, which she can’t help but let herself fall into. His muscular arms wrap around Taylor’s sides and she snuggles into his chest. She feels a little more tranquil as Hunter’s fingers comb through her dirty blonde hair. Her hazel eyes shut tight as she softens to the sound of his soothing, quiet, singing.

“Can we go for a walk now?” Taylor enquires after their session of playing on the piano is over. Playing the piano has always brought peace to the pair of them in some way. Whether it is to get away, or simply to have fun, it has always helped and they both believe it will continue helping for as long they can both imagine.

‘One last song?’ Hunter cheekily asks knowing Taylor won’t be able to say no. The passion of playing the piano came to Taylor at the tender age of six or seven. Her mother taught her to play, from bashing the keys to being able to play heart-stopping melodies.

‘Only if it’s Apologize,’ Taylor pouts and Hunter nods his head and quickly presses a kiss to her temple. Apologize was the first song they both learnt to play on the piano together and with time they both got better and better and could now play and sing it. Well the singing was mostly done by the Hunter Hayes himself, Taylor hardly ever joined in no matter how many times Hunter had told her she had the most incredible voice.

Merry Christmas, Love WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now