To: @OriannaTheWriter

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To: @OriannaTheWriter

From: @stayfizzy

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    The twinkling lights covered the buildings as the snow got rid of any traces of the grass that once took over the scenery. I looked around and smiled, this Christmas was going to be amazing. I mean, not only will I be with my best friends this year, but I also get to enjoy the company of my boyfriend. This was the first year that Liam and I would be spending Christmas as an official couple and the excitement was eating me alive. You see, he’s been on tour for that past forever and in all honesty, I missed him like crazy. Not only him, but his band mates who have become my best friends, especially Niall, would be joining us for the morning of the holiday.

               Watching the happy reunions in the decorated airport only made me more anxious to see the boys. Their plane was scheduled to land any minute now and I had no idea what to expect. It’s been so long since I’ve seen any of them and I didn’t know what to expect. How should I welcome them? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them, the last time being during the part of the tour I was invited to travel during. Should I welcome Liam with a kiss or is that too much? Maybe I’ll just give him a hug… Yeah, hugs are fun.

               “Oreo!” A voice interrupts my thoughts and I am pulled into a giant hug. I look up to see Liam, who seems to have gotten for facial hair over the last few months. Not that I’m complaining, of course.

               “Yo, Orianna- How’ve you been?” Niall drags me away from my boyfriend’s arms and give me a hug. Zayn, Harry, and Louis join while Liam stands awkwardly to the side.

               “I’ve been good. You know the drill; you all go on tour and leave me lonely. Then I eat and make fun of you on the Internet to make up for you ditching me. So yeah, I’m wonderful!” The guys laugh and let go, which causes Liam to get into the group and kiss me softly on the lips.

               “Merry Christmas…”

               We pull up to my flat, not very big, but still roomy. Exiting the car is always difficult, everyone trying be the first one out. This time the winner was Harry, though his trophy ended up being up bump on the head because he pretty much fell out of the car. Though, it was pretty funny to watch… Oops.

 Walking inside, Liam’s hand remains wrapped around mine as I flipped the light switch. The five boys looked around, taking in my decorations. The tree stood next to my couch in all of its glory; blue and green lights wrapped around the plastic pine tree. The ornaments were organized in patterns of silver and blue and pulled the look together. Fairy lights covered the living room, lighting up the space with their glow.

“Wow, you really put yourself to work this year, didn’t you?” Louis asks, plopping down on the couch.

“Hey, I get bored easily!” I defended myself quickly, “Besides, I wanted to surprise you guys. Coming home from tour and all that, I thought it might be nice to be festive for.

“It looks great, babe.” Liam said happily, kissing my nose and then heading off with the others, except for Louis who was being lazy, and putting their bags away.

“So Louis, why haven’t any of you gone to see your families this year?” I asked. I had been expecting just Liam at first, until he had called me with news that everyone was coming.

“Well, we decided that we wanted to spend Christmas with friends this year and then head over to our homes for New Years. Not sure who came up with that idea, but we all agreed so here we are!”

I nodded and went to the back to see how the others were doing. However, I was rushed straight back to the living room after Niall had pushed me and shouted, “Sorry, no can do. Present wrapping session!”

It took ten minutes for the four boys to finish and the short amount of time showed in the quality. The wrapping paper was crumpled around the presents, some even spoiling the contents due to the shapes. I smiled at them, “Great job, five stars for all of you!”

“Don’t be a suck-up, Oreo,” Liam tells me, laughing, before sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to him.

“Don’t blame me for wanting to get a little Christmas bonus for being polite.”

Liam kisses me on the cheek, “There you go. There’s your bonus; now let’s open presents!”

Niall rushed to open his gifts first, grabbing every box addressed to him. He happily received: a gift card for the local grocery store from Louis, a dolphin sweater from Harry, a Batman beanie from Liam, a bra from Zayn(not going to ask), and a phone case from yours truly. Everyone exchanged presents and I would occasionally snap a few pictures to send to my friends back home. The pictures became 100x cooler when I received a Polaroid camera from Liam.

“Holy fudge! Are you kidding me? This is amazing! I feel like crap now considering all I got you was a lousy couple of tee shirts…” Liam turns my head around and looks at me in the eyes.

“I loved the shirts, trust me. They’ll be great when we go back for the next trips away from home. I’m just happy I get to spend Christmas with you.” This brings a smile to my lips and I cuddle into his chest, enjoying the company of such great people.

“How did I ever get so lucky?” I say quietly, almost as if I was whispering, but not quite.

“I could be asking you the same thing, to be honest.” Liam answers. It looked like he was about to add to this, but was interrupted by Louis appearing behind us on the couch with something in his hand.

“Excuse me, but there is a tradition that you must oblige to and that tradition,” the Doncaster boy pauses for dramatic effect as he pulls the small object over mine and Liam’s heads, “would be the mistletoe!”

Everybody in the room looks at us and starts chanting, “Kiss, kiss, kiss!”

Finally, I decide to lean in and press my lips onto Liam’s. The kiss lasts for about twenty seconds before we pull apart and look to the other expectantly, “So what would you say about this year? A Christmas to remember?”

I grin, and reply, “This is definitely going to be a Christmas I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.”

“I love you…” Liam says to me, eyes glistening with joy.

“I love you too; Merry Christmas!”

Merry Christmas, Love WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now