To: @newyorkcoffee

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To: @newyorkcoffee

From: @insubstantial

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Bob’s Big Boy and the characters in it are owned by AlexandraJoy. Merry Christmas Amanda.

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Amanda heard a faint sound outside her window and groaned; she turned to the other side of her bed making the mattress shift a little and the fame creak. She heard the noise again and looked at the window, her brown eyes narrowing at it. The sounds were starting to aggravate her and the smiley face on the moist window wasn't helping at all, she settled her gaze on the wall clock. 2:45 am it showed making her eyes broaden, her bubblegum - pink lips parted as she glared at the window. Just in the nick of time a pebble was thrown against it, making her demented.

Suddenly two hands started gripping the rusty windowpane and a whip of blonde hair was seen, some of its dark brown roots peeping. Amanda squealed and covered her whole body with her festive comforter, her breathing rigged as she grabbed one of her yellow throw pillows clutching it tightly against her chest. She closed her eyes tight twilight overwhelming her vision; she suddenly heard the window open making a vague rasping sound. 

A shadow promptly loomed over her, a rush of adrenaline flowing through her veins. She made an audible gulp and prayed silently, loud chuckles suddenly bounced off the walls echoing in all corners of the room. Amanda furrowed her brows at the accustomed noise and pulled her comforter down; it revealed the Irish lad who was chuckling at her his face flustered. 

She glared at the immature boy whose laughter was fading away and was now trudging towards the bed. Amanda pulled her knees towards her chest her arms coiling around her grey knee high socks, her brown eyes peered over to lad's blue ones and frowned. She buried her head between her thighs her hazel hair curtaining the sides of her face.

Amanda felt the mattress of the bed adjust and the frame grate. Amanda knowing this was the Irish chap did not dare herself to look up; her cherry stained lips formed a straight line as awkward silence perfuses the room.

"Come on Manda, you're going to give in sooner or later," the young man told her, a teasing tone playing in his voice.

"Hmm, no." She mumbled her channel stifle making the lad laugh light heartedly.

"Aww, come on Manda you know you want to." Amanda felt an elbow jab into her ribs but she held back red leaking into her face. The boy jabbed his elbow to her ribs again this time more persuasively, as the pain stingers into Amanda's raw skin making her look up.

"What do you want Niall?!" Amanda cried slouching forward, a divert smile started tugging on either sides of Niall’s lips as he got out of the single bed. He reached his hand in the direction of Amanda making her lift a brow, she was completely perplexed on what was going on and wasn’t entirely attentive that the teenager was scooping her knees before opening the wooden door. He flicked the light switch off, the ceiling light diming as he shuts the door close.

Amanda looked up to see Niall smiling his blue eyes gleaming as starlight hits them, the expression that was satisfying it was hard to define as they crossed her family’s fireplace. Handmade socks with the colours of scarlet and green were dangling on top of it as some of the flame’s sparks danced towards it, lustrous ornaments were hanging from conifer branches as they reflected the radiance that the fire was igniting. 

“I like your living room,” Niall mumbled as he slid a hand inside the fabric of his pocket, he took out a key inserting it to the hole on their door. It made a fulfilling ‘click’ as he opened it letting the crisp winter atmosphere in.

Merry Christmas, Love WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now