Chapter 11

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It felt like the world had just shattered in Hiccup's mind. He watched as their beautiful home was falling apart in front of him. It didn't matter that he was free from his confinement on the tortured device. The true torture was just beginning to unfold in front of him.

"Hiccup" Valka saw that her boy was in shock. She tried to snap him out of it. They had no time for this. "Hiccup!"

Hiccup blinked a couple times before looking into his mother's eyes. Hiccup then turned when he heard the sound of wings flapping to see Tortel and Bertha heading towards the site.

That's when it hit Hiccup. He was falling into Drago's clutches. The Persian man wanted him weak and desperate so he would follow the evil man's plan to train his dragons. And if that happens...then it would be the end for anyone who got in his way.

A knew emotion filled Hiccup as he looked at his mother. Valka saw that he son's determination was back and they both headed to Cloudjumper. Climbing onto the Stormcutter's back, they took off into the sky and towards the war.


Hiccup was awestruck by the many men that littered the snow/ice ground. They were millions of Drago's soldiers with catapults, swords, spear, and any weapon imaginable. They were looking for a fight...they were looking for blood.

Another catapult was fired as another block of ice and rock fell off their home. The battle was halted when Drago lifted a hand to stop. Confused by his action, it was only when everyone looked at the Dragon Sanctuary to see dragons flying out. The beasts were scattered all around the field and sky. Confused and disoriented, the dragons were, from the racked and noise of their home falling apart.

The men on the ground launched bola, nets and other items that they could use to catch the beast. More and more of the dragon were hit as they fell into the soldiers clutches.

Eret watched as the men gathered up the dragon. Looking at the riders in triumph, it wasn't until he realized something was wrong did he asked "Where are the other fo...."

The sound of thunder was heard as the soldiers stopped what they were doing to look around. The ground shook as the ground felt like it was getting colder. All the sudden, the ice began to crack on the walls of the Sanctuary.

That was when the men saw four more riders shoot out of the cave. What came behind them made any man watch in shock and awe. A loud roar sound was heard as the ground began to shake again. Then the ice cracked more until something came out. The rocks/ice began to explode as outshot a white snowy Bewilderbeast.

The beast was upset and angry as it looked at the men. It was unhappy that they had tried to destroy their home. Its pupils became slit as it breathed in and then let out a large force of ice.

The ice spread and destroyed everything in its path. The men tried to run as fast as they could away from the destructive ice. Catapults and other devices were destroyed, lifted, or encased by the ice. The white Bewilderbeast, halted its icy breath as it stalked towards the ships.

The riders smirked triumphantly under their mask at the armies retreat. But Hiccup knew better. He knew that Drago would not bring all of his army here just to have them retreat in the beginning of the battle. Fear and dread consumed the boy when he realized what Drago had planned.

"NO! STOP!" Hiccup cried as he reached his arm towards the white Bewilderbeast that was heading to the fleet.

Drago watched as his men tried to run to the ships as the large beast kept coming towards them. A smirk grew on the man's face as he let out a loud yell and then banged his bullhook on the chains in front of his ship.

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