
12.4K 520 117

Name: Edryn (Ed-drin) Hallowhill

Age: 12-13 and so on

Height: 4'0"

Looks: She has tan skin from being out in the sun a lot. Her short hair is silver and her eyes are yellow and a dark greyish-blue, the bottom half being yellow and the top being greyish blue. 

She always wears a dark grey, almost black beanie. She wears a red sweat shirt and her yellow scarf as well as a tan skirt with spandex shorts under that you can't see. She wears yellow boots that come up about an inch above her ankle. They're made out of rubber, like rain boots since she's used to working hard and in moist climates.

 They're made out of rubber, like rain boots since she's used to working hard and in moist climates

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