Chapter 4

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Are you guys having a hard time understanding the accent how I write it? Do you want me to 1. Keep it, 2. Tone it down, or 3. Drop it and let you imagine it's there?

[Kakashi's pov | Entering Konoha]

The gate guards didn't try and stop me as I jumped through the gates. They simply waved at me, and I nodded back, adjusting my grip on Edryn who was looking at the gates in slight awe. "They're quite tall ain't the'?" She asked, blinked. "Yeah, they are pretty huge." I nodded.

"Can ye' put me' down now?" She asked. "Oh, right." I sweat dropped, setting her down. She brushed herself off, looking around. "What is this place anywa'?" She asked, looking around. "The village hidden in the leaves, Konoha, a ninja village." I said.

She stared at me in horror, "There are more of ye'?! A whole village?!" 

I nodded.

"I'm gon' faint now." She muttered, shaking her head. I smiled a little as she tugged at her hat. She, as much as I tried to deny it, was adorable. Absolutely adorable. She's so small, and she has such an odd accent. 

"Well, 're we goin' 'r not?" She asked, staring up at me. "Right, follow me. Stay close." I said. "'At wont be a' problem." She said. I shrugged but nodded before setting off towards the Hokage's office, purposely making my steps shorter.

She followed close behind me, shouting and cursing at people who almost walked into her, or accidentally shoved her. They'd get really flustered, and extremely confused. She'd shake her tiny fist at them, and sometimes kick them in the shin.

[Edryn's pov | Streets of Konoha]

"Vermin! 'at's what 'ou are, fukin' vermin!" I shouted, shaking my fist at a man who'd nearly kicked me. He rushed off, his eyes wide with what looked like fear. He better be fukin' scared. I'll kill 'em if 'eh runs int' me' again.

We got to a large staircase and I raised a brow. "I'm not doin' 'at." I shook my head. "Right, didn't think so." Kakashi said, reaching down and lifting me with ease. "'Ou make a good steed." I said. "....Thanks?" Kakashi said slowly, his answer sounding a lot like a question.

He climbed the stairs like a normal person instead of doin' somethin' ninja-like. I didn't comment on et but it was 'ather odd. I mean, he is a' ninja, ain't 'e?

"You climb slow." I stated. "Well, I didn't think you'd really...." He trailed off. "What? Say et t' me face why don't cha'!" I shouted, shaking my fist. "Nothing." He said quickly, speeding up. "'At's what I thought." I muttered, glaring at him. A bead uh sweat dripped down the side of 'is face and I swear 'e gulped.

 The sun beat down on us like a 'ammer beatin' down on a' piece uh hot iron fresh from th' furnace. I was tempted to remove me scarf er hat, but I didn't. I was just so used to th' cold, bein' from th' mountains an all. 

"You okay?" Kakashi asked. "It's 'ot out here." I said. "It is summer." Kakashi nodded. "Compared to th' mountains, 'ou live in a' furnace. Th' mountains be like livin' in a' toasty sugar roll." I said. "...Right." Kakashi sweat dropped, looking mildly confused.

We finally reached th' top of the stair case and Kakashi headed towards the door. I cracked my knuckles. If this Hokage' guy give me' any 'ouble I'll end 'im. Don't underestimate a' dwarf, it might lead to ye demise.


E': Pronounced "Eh"

A': Pronounced "Uh"

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