Chapter 9

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[Third person pov | Ibiki's house]

Edryn stared blankly at the bed in front of her. She wasn't sure how she was going to get on top of something so tall, but she knew she probably couldn't do it by herself. Trying to jump and grip the covers would probably only lead to her as a heap on the ground. That, and she'd be tangled in sheets and comforters. She'd never actually seen a bed quite like this one, although she'd seen a cot before. They had those in their hospital hut, which was made out of mud bricks with a straw roof. 

"An' how th' feck do yah suppose I get up there?" Edryn turned towards the amused Ibiki. "Didn't you have beds back in your village?" The man scoffed. "Aye, but we were all wee lil' things! We didn't have whatever th' hell this is. We had feckin' bed rolls and nests!" She threw her hands up angrily. "Well, we don't have those here- wait, did you say nest?" Ibiki's eyebrows shot up. "Feck yeah. How the hell else would we be born, yah dumb shit?" Edryn scoffed. "Dwarves... lay eggs?" Ibiki asked slowly. "Don't 'ou?" She asked.

Ibiki stared. This tiny human wasn't even a human. It was a dwarf that had been hatched from an egg. An actual, real egg! This was all too insane for him. He didn't like this. "Humans are born more like puppies. We just come out." Ibiki tried to explain. "Aren't ch' all covered in goo then?" Her nose scrunched up. "And blood." Ibiki added. "Da's nasty." She shook her head, folding her arms over her chest. "Isn't there goo in your egg?" Ibiki asked. "Feck no there ain't! Just this cottony stuff. Like spid'r web or somethin'." Edryn said. Ibiki let out a hum, interesting.

Having already put all her things away, Ibiki was ready to cut Edryn loose and leave her alone. Tomorrow she would be starting the academy. That meant the master interrogator wouldn't have to deal with her all day, every day. She was already giving him a run for his money, and he knew he wouldn't be able to handle over twelve hours with this little brat. Hell, he was barely handling her now, even if her anger had simmered down slightly. She was one tough little lady, that's for sure.

"Good luck." Ibiki turned on his heel and left the room. "Well, feck you too then." Edryn grumbled under her breath. She looked around for something she could use to get onto what looked like a rather comfortable resting spot. She could definitely form a blanket nest out of the materials given. She just needed a permanent solution to her problem. She was too short for this. She was too short for any of this. She didn't belong in this world at all. 

Edryn's eyes landed on one of the bedside tables. Both were wooden, gray pillars. No drawers. Just solid wood. There was one on each side, both with lamps sitting on them. They weren't oil lamps like Edryn was used to. It was hard to get electricity into the mountains: especially trying to obtain it without being noticed. Edryn had found herself in slight awe when she first entered the village with Kakashi, although she masked it well. 

Pulling the lamp off the bedside table, shoved it up onto the overly-tall bed. As for the bedside table, well, it wasn't all that hard to knock over. Edryn was very strong for her size, as were all dwarves. Like little flaming canon balls of rock and fury. Edryn found herself wondering if she'd ever see another dwarf again. The thought that she could be the last one alive was very saddening, and it made her frown. The grief she felt right now was unimaginable, but she was fighting through it like a champ. 

(Slay, bitch. Slay.)

Ibiki jumped slightly when he heard a loud crash in the other room. He didn't go to investigate. He told himself he'd let Edryn have free rein of that room, and that's what he was going to do. The Hokage had promised to reimburse him for any damage done to her room so long as Ibiki let her be. You could gather a lot of information from a person from their living space. Interfering with Edryn's process could ruin the whole point of letting her have her own room in the first place! Ibiki wouldn't let the Hokage down.

Edryn was already on her bed, which was only a twin, but it seemed so much larger to her. She had pulled back all the blankets and was creating a nest, half so she could have a familiar place to sleep, and the other half for comfort. "Feckin'... think you can get away with killin' my clan, do yah? I'll show 'em. I just need t' find 'em first." Edryn muttered angrily. She actually used to be quite the shy, nice girl. One who picked flowers and sewed clothes. But since the massacre... she was just so angry. She was angry at everything. At the people who'd killed her clan, at herself and at the world.

Nobody likes Edryn when she's mad.


That one was longer-


I'm really starting to get into this story line. I've re-familiarized myself with the oc and story, and I've sorta got a vague plot line to follow! So expect longer, more frequent updates over here. If you guys have any ideas for this story, I'm all ears. I still don't know if there should be a love interest, and if there is one, I'm thinking Sasuke will be best because he's had his clan massacred. But if not Sasuke, then who would you suggest? If anyone at all. 

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