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It was summer. I'd read too many romantic books and watched too many TV sitcoms and had gotten to the point in my life were all I was interested in was that spontaneous summer romance that I knew deep down had no chance of occurring. I had graduated high school, and was excepted to my chosen university, but was no longer content with spending the rest of my summer on the couch with my laptop blaring one Netflix episode after the other. I was up for an adventure and was looking for one around any corner, my mother was only but an encouragement as she nagged me to get out of bed and to go and explore the world with my friends. When I received the call I was waiting for I was singing along loudly to some retro pop song blaring from my phone whilst I was in the shower that my mother had begged me to take. My phone begun to blare the ringtone that one of my few friends had set to annoy me and I jumped out of the shower, towel frantically being placed around me as though someone could see.

"Listen, if this is a call about touring that ruddy university again, I'm not interested, I've seen the grounds already and you've already been excepted, and besides, its my third time around binge watching Gossip Girl and I've got two seasons to go." I blurted to the phone, which I expected was my best friend calling for the ninth time in the last week begging me to take a tour of the exclusive university she had been excepted to, despite the fact I had gone with her multiple times already. A sigh could be heard from the other end of the phone.

"Well I'm glad to tell you it had nothing to do with university, Maeve" She said in an all-seeing tone "Be excited because the best thing has just happened." Peyton had a tendency to over exaggerate things and this time like every other I had learnt to keep my hopes low. "Do you remember school camp when we went to Nestfield island?"

"Fondly" I reply, sighing softly, daydreaming of better times. The camp at Nestfield island was a memory I held very dearly, it was the week were Peyton and I met the third to our trio Flo, it was the week when Peyton had her first kiss, the week when we snuck out onto the beach at night to watch the stars.

"Well I have news" Her voice crackling over the phone I can tell her happiness. "We are booked" She squeals.

"Booked for what Peyton?" Confused and annoyed at her piercing squeak.

"Booked for Nestfield!!" She giggles, I almost drop the phone in shock of her proclamation "Now I booked a piece of land on the hill, you know on the right end of the beach? I thought maybe..." She continued but my mind was elsewhere, my mind was on that magical place and the secrets it withheld, but more importantly on the idea of something I hadn't experienced yet longed for, that one thing I had droned on about since I was old enough to grasp the idea of love. A Summer Romance. 

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