Chapter Two

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It was about thirty minutes into the drive before anyone made an attempt of talking to Jed who was sulking, earbuds in, eyes shut. Scott who was obviously sympathising with Jed to his best possible amount offered him a packet of chips –according to Saint Scott we had to give people a chance to a second impression.

"Chips?" He asked tapping Jed on the shoulder from the seat behind him. Jed pulled his headphone out and turned to stare at Scott.

"What?" He said harshly, silence took over the van as everyone awaited to see what would happen next.

"Ur... I said do you want some chips mate" Scott said nervously. With a nod, Jed said something that surprised us all.

"Yeah Mate sounds good, what flavour" as he and Scott made their interaction I turned from my seat next to Jed to face Flo who was seating next to me, mouthing that he wasn't like that before. She looked at Jed before shrugging and going back to her book. I turned back to Jed who was still in conversation with Scott, I shook my head, unbelievable.

I woke with a start as the car jolted to a stop, suddenly becoming aware that I was lent into Jed, my head on his shoulder, he was stiff and awkward and you could feel the tension. I sat up quickly in attempt to pretend I hadn't spent the last 3 hours asleep on him like a koala bear to a tree.

"What are we doing?" I asked Peyton who was seated in the passenger seat.

"Dave has just gone to get the key for the gate to the camp ground" She says yawning, I look around to see country around us, a couple of small building but nothing of particular interest of mine, I strike off an excited conversation with Scott warning him that we were only minutes away. Before long Dave got in the car, keys in hand- which went straight to Peyton with his tendency to loose things.

"So, the owner of the land says there is only one other family staying there at the moment and they are quite a bit further away than us, they leave in a week and he hasn't taken anymore bookings for the summer, said he hoped it's be a quiet one." Dave says, turning the car on and putting his foot on the accelerator.

"Really?" I say in awe, there is no way we get a place this magical to ourselves this summer.

"Well he said something about Fiji being popular this summer and people weren't willing to pay enough, speaking of which I need full payments from you all as soon as we get back." We all nod and groan in agreement at which point we pull up onto the hill that leads us down to the camp ground, Peyton jumps out of the car, eager to open the gate. The view from up here not only shows the whole camp ground but the ocean that belongs beside it. I lightly tap Jed (whose headphones are in and eyes are closed) on the shoulder and he opens them groggily looking at me confused, taking his earbuds out.

"Ur- we are here I just thought you might want to... you know... look at the view" I mumbled. He nods at me before looking out of the window without a word. I sigh looking around and hoping this summer will make itself apologise to me for its shitty beginning.

An hour later and both of our tents were set up, Boys and girls separate to my mother's glee. Flo has bought her dad's hiking tent which was a 10-man tent with separate three rooms and a living like area, we named room one the bag room, which we kept all of our clothing, and what nots. Room two was full of food and perishables and room three was full of sleeping bags and pillows in which Peyton, Flo and I intended to sleep in. The boys however didn't have as much luck, Dave has bought a tent that was fit for three at the most and it was packed full of their stuff, not to mention the bulky boys themselves. After a full unpacking for our 6 week stay, I looked out at the ocean, which was a hill and perhaps 20 metres from my standing spot. I was happier than I'd been in a long while, I felt free- my thoughts were cut short as Dave and Scott hollered out, running down the hill, in their swimmers, the squeals of Peyton and Flo followed. I laughed as I watched the couples mucking around in the water. Broken out of my trance I turned around to see Jed a few metres from me looking out in the same direction, we made eye contact and I smiled.

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