Thick and Bullied

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Lillian G. Baker is someone who is thick. Since she was 12, she started getting curved that no 12-year old should have, and she thought it was nice, but something happened to her that made her hate her body. Something horrible, and she was so young. She was 13 when she wasn't a virgin anymore.

And people hated her. They hated her for what happened to her. And that made her hate herself. Especially since there was this one girl, named Layla Rose, who bullied her. She is the reason why Lillian has been hurting herself since junior year. (Now she's a senior).

What Lillian doesn't know is how Layla lives, how she is, and WHO she is. And when something terrible happens to Layla, Lillian blames herself.

But how come? Layla destroyed her life.

She was the one who made Lillian's life horrible. Well, now Lillian knows that she has been just as horrible as Layla. Lillian has also judged people. She has also labeled people. And she feels bad. She feels bad because she is the girl who is thick and gets bullied.

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