Showing the scars.

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Before remover the bullet the need to take an ex ray to show exactly where the bullet was. That same ex ray revealed a large of previously damaged bone and bone striations and deformitys.
These marking show forms of realist less beating and intense labor.

But before they could worry about that they had to get rid of the bullet. Once they had remove his top a large amount of scars and bruises, and a bandage soaked in blood. They remove the bullet stitched and bandaged his wound and unwrapped and treated the other wound.

After they waited for impulse to wake up. They had so many questions. The rest of the team showed up and where told of the horrible discovery.

They where all shock and sad to hear. But there there though's where intruded but the sound of a door opening.

(Bart's pov)

I awoke to fine myself on an autopsy table, shirtless and sour. I then realized where I was and what had happened.
'They saw. Oh god no.'

The thought of hate and confused looks on there face made me want to cry, but what really made me cry was the fact that I'd have to explain this to them, at I'd have to relive it all. It was to much, tears spilled from my eyes.

Once done, I got on me shirt and exited the room. I walked down the hallway to see everyone looking at me. I started at the ground.

I couldn't look at them, I just couldn't do it. But then the quit was broken.
"What happen?" I herd Jaime ask. I didn't answer, I didn't know how it answer. I just stayed quit.
"Bart? Did my son do this to you?" The flash ask a slight quiver in his voice.
"No..." I said quietly well shaking my head slightly.
"Bart what's the future really like?" Gar asked. If they still didn't know, I would have lied, I would have said that it was perfect. "Fine." But now there was no point, so did I saw that.
"Bullshit." Wally said angrily, causing me to flinch, I hated yelling.
I herd a scuffle of feet and a thud and some fell to the floor. Then Wally said.
"Don't lie to use, after what we saw! Do you expend us to believe that bullshit?" I shock my head.
I then felt the force of Wally shoving me into the wall.
"Wally stop!" The flash yelled.

I still didn't look up. "Look at me!" Wally yelled, adding more presser I winced.
"Wally Stop It!" Night wing yelled taking a step forwards. I didn't lession.
"I want the truth." He growled angrily.
"I... I can't..." I said quietly.
"Why the hell not?!" He yelled, I yelped in pain and he pushed even harder.
"I... I don't... W-want... To..." I trailed off. I then felt him pull me away and then slam me back into the wall.
"Tell me damn it!"
"It's horrible!" I yell as I feel tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I felt Wally let go.

As soon as I he did I took off. I ran outside, I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't stop.

Impulses scarsWhere stories live. Discover now