Where is he

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(Jaime's pov)

I watched as Bart ran outside.  People started yelling at Wally. Well others just sat the in quietly, thinking. In the mist of the chaos I took off after Bart.

After and hour or so of looking I found him a top a hill.  I landed beside him.

He wouldn't look at me but I could see the tears running down your face.  Then he Spook.
"I try'd... But in the end it didn't ever matter."
"What?" I asked.
"I try'd so hard to hide it. The scars, the pain, the fear, the torment." His voice was shacking, his body was trembling.

"Who did this?" I asked.
"You." I was shocked, me. But why would I hurt him. I love him.
"In the future everyone is in slaved. The blue beetle in the one who is in control, doing what ever the reach tell you to do."
"I'm sorry." Is all I could say.
"That's why I came back. To stop you."
I turned him to face me.
"I don't know how I could ever hurt such a gorges person." I say seeing his face turn red.  "I'd never want to hurt you." I said planting a kiss on his lips.
"Jaime." He squeaked.
"After all I love you." I said, kissing him, moving down to his neck. 

"Jaime, I'm... Scared." I herd him say his body trembling.
"What scares you mi amor?"
"The nightmares... The memories." I look at him.
"I well protect you. That's a promise." I say cradling him in my arms.  I kissed him on the forehead.

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