Chapter 1

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"Night I'm going hunting!" Dove meowed to her mate, night padded up to her, "your expecting kits I'm not going to let you hunt, I'll go instead," he meowed. Dove rolled her eyes, "I guess I can't argue with you, once you made up your mind even I can't change it!" She purred teasingly, night padded up to her and pressed his muzzle to hers, "yup and you know me I should be called stubborn night!" He purred and he went off to hunt. Dove sighed, she always wanted to go join the big group of cats that lives on the moor, not the ones by the river or the ones in the forest, they seemed to take care of each other and they hunted prey for each other. Dove sighed night wouldn't let her, not now anyways. Dove stretched her legs and sleep flooded over her like a wave.

Cloudspring's WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora