Chapter 3

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        "I uh.. I didn't know!" Dove stammered. The brown tabby twitched his ear and sat down, "you look like you didn't! Well I guess you better go, before cloudrunner and mistfreckle come back," he meowed. Dove's head tilted to one side, "are those your names? And where do you live? What's your name? I'm Dove," Dove meowed. "Well I live in the clans or as you would call it the big group of cats," dove's eye lit up, "you live there? I wish I could too! But my mate wouldn't let me," dove spat out the last words as if she was talking to her worst enemy. "I'm Sorry, hey maybe I can come and help you convince him! You will be safe in windclan! Also I'm barkfoot," barkfoot suggested. Dove's eyes lit up, "you would do that?  For me?" Dove meowed and a big smile spread across her face. "Well sure why not! How hard could it be?" Barkfoot meowed playfully. Very hard, dove thought, "but remember he is very grumpy and stubborn!" Dove warned as they walked to night. Night's fur pricked as he saw the tom close to him mate, "dove why did you take a stranger in? We don't have enough room now that your having kits!" He growled, dove rolled her eyes, she opened her jaws to speak but barkfoot stopped her with his tail, "well actually I'm barkfoot I come from windclan, the big group of cats that live on the moor and when I was on a patrol with cloud runner, and mistfreckle, I bumped into your mate and she told me she wanted to join windclan," barkfoot explained. Night pricked his ear in anger, "well what a suprise! Dove no you can't, no matter how many cats you bring here to make me your staying here your having kits!" Night growled, then he turned to barkfoot, "and for you, go away! Leave me and my mate alone!" He spat. Barkfoot started to walk away but before he did dove shot him a "forgive me" look. Why is night like this? Dove thought as her fur pricked at the thought of the black and white tom.

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