Chapter 5

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Dove's eyes blazed with fury, "Why are you like this? I have been pregnant for six moons and you act like a badger with its fur ripped off!" Dove turned to night, she was blazing with fury. Night turned to her, hurt showing clearly in his green eyes, "I'm trying to protect you, you remember what happened to Slate? When Sky went hunting a fox attacked her! That's why I always stay here, luckily Thistle came and saved me," night stammered. Slate and Sky where his parents, a badger attacked slate when she was giving birth to her kits. Luckily night survived and Thistle took him somewhere safe and when he was older, she told him what happened.

Dove came up to him, "it's ok, I forgive you," she meowed as she pressed her fur against his muzzle. Night purred and licked the back of her ear, "I got you fresh bedding and some herbs, you should go rest," Night suggested. Dove nodded and went to sleep.

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