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Tbh, I don't have much to say because I've already told you everything somewhere. xD

But I do have one last thing. A final word. o.o

*insert sad violin music*

Throughout your fifteen years of existence, you have proved yourself worthy of your title as the last sushi existing on this planet. A sushi that bites people. Truly a wonderful creature. *wipes tears away* The penguins and I are so proud of you.

And because of that, I now entrust you this magical item, an item so rare that you'll die of old age before you even find a replica.

Sniper rifle. Not just any sniper rifle, but the legendary one.


Be hoenerd.

Promise me that you'll take care of this, m'kay? Stay strong, soldier. Always take care. ♡

~ tangIedheartstrings


(greeks here: I DEDICATED IT TO THE WRONG USER.. dang it... *Sighs* *changes it)

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