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I've already recorded a song, but okay:

Dearest Red [This is really annoying Chef, Queen, and Fay-Tea]

One of those people who are amazing, beautiful and their soul is just..magnificent. You're one of a kind, the diamond in the ruff,

You're a quiet soldier, silent fighter, you don't make a sound, but that's what makes you loud.

Remember in the old days when we'd spam threads so much that it was an achievement to not get blocked by spam block? Yea, me neither. <3

You're not alone, never were, never will- I'm right here, always have been, and always will. My best friend stay safe, enjoy this day, enjoy the rest of your days and keep living as if nobody was watching.

iLove you, Happy Birthday. May the person who ruins your day fall face first into a steaming pile of moist and fragrant elephant dung and be robbed of skittles for life. :) <3

~ iCrazy Kuku 

aka Skittle Lover xD

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