Chapter Twelve

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Adrianne was not amused.

She didn't think she had been amused since she had been placed on Team Six a near three weeks ago. In fact, she was sick and tired of Kyoko. Sick and tired of Mages in general, they never did what she told them to. Warriors were superior, they didn't rely on childish or dirty tricks to take down their targets.

No, Warriors were brave. They faced their fears head on, face-to-face. Instead of hiding in shadows.

All Mages had ever done for her was make her life harder, along with separate her from her prince. She didn't even know what that horrid person wanted, but Talia said that they requested that she not be present during the mission. A devil tearing her apart from her true love, throwing him in the arms of a whore.

"Adrianne, little sister," Elodie called out from the front door of her shop, a plain wooden thing. She had been helping her uncle, something that neither of them had been pleased about. Mama and Uncle Ivan haven't spoken for years, so they hadn't said a word to each other in the hours that they worked packing frail vases for transport. Still, he muttered about about the horrible service, and asking never to have his niece sent to him again. That he'd preferred a Mage to help him, since they weren't as bad as a bull in a china shop.

"Elodie," Adrianne greeted as she walked to her sister, her hand turning the sign over in her shop. This was the time she usually closed her store.

"Is something bothering you?" she asked as she looked up and down the street.

"Just my team," she admitted sighing, as she straightened the strap in her bag. She had learnt quickly not to being up her Mage teammate among her family, not if she wanted to avoid the shouting match between her parents and sister. This being before they had even learnt the brat's name.

"Why don't you come in?"

Nodding her head, Adrianne walked into the clothing store, material folded neatly in the corner. A large wooden desk in the opposite corner, a large pile of books shoved against the wall with the window next to that.

Already finished clothing hanging off racks at the back of the room, things Elodie had made during her free time. Tea pots and cup stored in a cupboard behind the desk, their grandmother's things that she had given to Elodie instead of her daughter before she past away.

"Now little sister," Elodie said as put a tea pot between them, a glowing red seal on the handle, that would be why Mama didn't want the thing. A cup being place in front of her before she could say anything about it. "Do you want to tell what the problem is? With how busy I am, I haven't been able to ask about your training."

Adrianne nodded her head before she told Elodie what has happened in the last near three weeks. Elodie nodding when she needed to, but during some parts of her story. She looked uncomfortable.

Almost as if she was finally seeing her and their parents view of Mages were correct. While her own were horribly wrong after what she told her about her last mission with the little brat.

Stopping she leaned back, smugly waiting to see what her sister would say.

"I see," Elodie told her putting her teamcup, placing one leg over the other. Her hands curled on top of her knee. "It's an interesting situation, as we don't know what clients have been requesting and most of the jobs Winston have requested require only Warriors, Mages would get in the way. Not until the final stages, others might not want a Mage around their property, or around their children."

"Huh?" Adrianne asked looking at her with wide eyes as Elodie fixed her sleeve. It would seem she was still wearing her work clothes, as if she hadn't planned on going home any time soon.

Fire's Mage (Book One) Kyoko of Fire CountryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora