Chapter Forty-Seven

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Looking at the roof of her tent, her hands behind her head and she thought about what had happened in the last four months. The Queen Regent had sent more workers, Kyoko had started strengthening what had already been built. Adrianne watched the entrance of the bridge, according to dear Sheikh, this was one of the longest bridges built since it would take someone fourteen hours to walk along it.

So at some point they had started camping along with safest part of the bridge. To save time from walking along it, which made Kyoko's storage seals more useful as she was able to store years worth of food at a time. Keeping it in the same site that it had been sealed away as. She thinks, her memory was becoming more and more spotty and their were some words that were just out of her reach. It was almost like someone wanted her to remember something that was on the tip of her tongue and someone else didn't want her to.

Not only that, but it was becoming more and more common for her to faint in the middle of the day, to faint mid-step. Dizzy spells and headaches were also something that was becoming apart of her daily retune.

The worst part was, Adrianne didn't know the reason behind any of it. Before Ice, she never had a headache in her life, she was only dizzy if she spine too quickly and fainting was something that only happened once. Someone had kicked a ball to hard against the back of her head as a child, she woke up a few hours later in the hospital, Elodie had dropped her off when she didn't wake up after an hour.

Even the little brat had caught her once or twice, it would seem she had been floating closer. Having been the reason she hadn't fallen over the side and drowned.

After the fifth time, Kyoko had glared at her and tied something to her waist and it stopped her from going about six feet from the bridge's edge. She had to do something that wasn't going to give someone a scare, so she had been forced to watch the brat create seal after seal, her fingers and palm covered in ink.

Now that she thought about it, her thoughts were becoming more and more disjointed. She was getting lost in her thoughts and staring out into the void.

It was like she couldn't stay on one subject at time, that she couldn't stay said subject for extended periods of time. Since she would pause and then forget what she had been thinking about, what had she been doing?

Adrianne had also started writing down her dreams before she could forget about them, if she remembered to do so in the first place. So far, when she reread what she had wrote, there were usually strange red-eyed woman and man, all of them banging their hands against an invisible wall. Their faces twisted in anger, through Adrianne had noticed scars on their torsos. Some of them looked like they had been stabbed to death, while others looked like they spent too much time in the sun.

They would glare at her before disappearing in a puff of golden dust. Something was familiar about them, almost as if she had spoken to something who looked like they did. Only now she didn't remember a thing about them, but she had a feeling that they weren't among the land of the living. That they were in the Spirit Realm.

But for some reason she couldn't put her finger on it, why couldn't she remember where she had seen them? And did she give it a second thought? It was like a bug that continently bit her arm and she couldn't do anything about it.

Her bag was packed, Kyoko had one of them sealed away, making the loud she had to carry back was light. Kyoko had helped her pack, now that she thought about it. Had stuffed somethings into her own bag when hers didn't have anymore room.

When she got back to Doiteain, she was going to have to see a medic that she trusted. To find out the problem and see if it was curable, or if she was going to have to time off due to medical complications.

Fire's Mage (Book One) Kyoko of Fire CountryWhere stories live. Discover now