Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kyoko looked at the direction that Jakob and Stanley were talking, the sun slowly making itself known in sharp colours of orange and pink.

Winston, Jakob and Stanley were talking, all of them looking at each other with worry on their faces. Turning her head, she saw that Sheikh was gathering wood while Adrianne watched. The picnic blanket she was sitting on was something that Jakob had packed, but allowed her to use.

Which reminded her just as how close he had been to being beaten to an inch of his life, it had been pure luck that she had arrived in time to help him. She had helped him even without knowing that he was their ride to Ice Country.

Because for all she knew, he could have children. A wife or husband, a family waiting for him at home. Kyoko had seen enough broken-hearted children to last her a few dozen lifetimes.

"Why aren't you doing anything," Adrianne snapped at her, the idiot had been looking at her funny since she woke up, it was almost as if the moron thought she had grown another head in her sleep.

Kyoko didn't think about it too long, Adrianne was an idiot and wasn't worth listening to. Most of her questions were easily answered if she bothered listening to anyone, so she didn't bother answering her.

When she thought about it, it wasn't a question. It was more of a demand that she do her job for her.

"Answer me, you worthless murdering Fire Mage," Adrianne demanded, her face slowly turning red. Kyoko rolled her eyes as she blew her hair away from her face. She was dressed, but she hadn't put her hair into its normal plates.

"You haven't asked a question," Kyoko pointed out.

"We should kill you! We really should," Adrianne continued to snap at her. Kyoko rolled her eyes as she rested her chin on her knee, pulling her leg closer to her torso.

"Who is this we?" Kyoko asked her, pointing in Sheikh's direction. Who had been trying to start a fire for the last four minutes. "I do hope you're not lumping Sheikh into your murderous failures."

"Murderous failures. Like you could kill me," Adrianne told her, narrowing her eyes as she puffed up her chest. Like a peacock showing of its feathers. "Or as if you could stop me."

"I've already stopped you more than once," Kyoko calmly told her, gathering energy into her staff that was lying innocently next to her ankle. At least all it took was a basic shield to stop her. "But considering my kill count is higher than yours, that you were the one who froze. I think you'll find that your end won't be as quick as you'd hoped it was."

"Are you threatening me!"

"No. I believe you're the one who'd giving empty threats. I'm merely informing you of a possible outcome."

"Adrianne, drop it," Sheikh told her as he walked behind her, his hands slightly red and small piece of wood was in his thump.

"Pass," she told him as he sat down next to her, passing her his hand. Giggling, a soft golden glow went around Sheikh's hand, healing the slight burns. Along with taking out the wood from underneath his skin.

"We'll be leaving in two hours," Winston told them, Kyoko nodding as she looked at Sheikh's hand. "Jakob and Stanley are low on food, so they'll be getting more. I'll be going with them."

"So you're leaving us?" Adrianne asked him, causing her attention to turn back towards Adrianne and Winston, folding her legs while unsealing one of her books. "With that thing?"

"That thing thinks you're the one who's the easy kill," Kyoko pointed out.

"Kyoko, Adrianne. Drop it," Winston told them sighing as he shook his head. "You're a team, act like one."

Fire's Mage (Book One) Kyoko of Fire CountryWhere stories live. Discover now