Late Night Fright

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When I had reached my house, I plopped down on my couch and began to read again... Did you actually think I would help Amy?... Pfft, yeah right... 

About 20 minutes had passed by, as I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Until there was a loud 'BOOM!' that echoed throughout the house. I quickly looked up wide-eyed around the room, to find the door had been slammed off it's hinges into tiny pieces. I looked at the person who stood in the door and it was- you guessed it, Amy. Do you think it's legal to Chaos Control someone to the moon?... Because that's where I wanted her to stay for the rest of my life. 


"And you BETTER help me find Sonic!!" she replied, Piko-Piko hammer in one hand. I sighed. 

"Alright..." I humphed, then set the book down on the couch and got up. She moved aside as I walked outside. "But if someone robs me when I'm gone, you'll be sorry..." I growled under my breath. 

I could feel her eyes on the back of my head as she followed. 

"Alright, where should we start looking?..." I asked. "Did you check in his house already?" 

She thought, then replied, "No." 

"Then that's where we'll start." I said, then walked the way towards his house. Amy jogged to catch up to me, then slowed down as soon as she did. 

"Shadow?..." she began. 

"What now?...." I sighed. 

"Shadow... Wherever Sonic is... Do you think he's alright?... I'm worried about him, that's all... He could be in danger..." 

I looked at her as she looked up at me with sad and worried eyes. I looked at her with no expression on my face, but on the inside, I felt a little sorry for her. 

"Wherever he is, I'm sure he's fine. If he's in trouble, he'll be strong and defend himself. He's courageous enough to stand up to anything in his way." I said softly. I honestly didn't really know how to make a girl feel better, but I think I did a decent job, because she smiled and nodded gently. 

Soon we reached the house, and approached the door. I knocked three times, but after waiting a few minutes, we knew he wasn't home. We then searched the rest of the town, the plaza, small shops, and even a couple diners. Hours had passed by, and soon it was already getting late. She decided we each get some rest so we could continue searching tomorrow, but I just nodded without really caring. I was still pretty annoyed I had to spend my day off looking for the blue Faker, and I couldn't go to sleep, so I had decided to walk throught the forest to clear my thoughts. 

So that was pretty much my whole day, but I was a little concerned about the missing hedgehog though. 

'Probably fighting Eggman... But... Wouldn't he have defeated him by now?...' I thought. 

While I pondered this, a voice suddenly filled the cold, night air. "Well, well, well! If it isn't Shadow!" the evil voice cackled. 

'Great... Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse...'

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