Some Kind of Guardian Angel?...

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I looked up at him, where he sat in a large metal robot, with a dome over himself. I sighed. "What do you want Eggman?... Can't you see I'm already annoyed as it is?..." 

"Oh, well excuse me for ruining your evening." he said sarcastically. "But I need a favor from you." the fat man replied. 

I frowned at him. "What do you mean by 'favor?...'"  

"Well, you see... I've been working on an invention, placed one of the Chaos Emeralds inside of it to charge up it's energy... But the Chaos Emerald's power was to great for the robot-" 

"Wait, let me get this straight..." I interrupted. "You put a Chaos Emerald inside of a robot, and it's gone A-wall... Am I correct?..." 

"Yes, it's destroyed most of my lab and the only machine that could stop it. All that was needed to complete the machine was the power of another Chaos Emerald." he explained. 

I stayed silent for a minute. "And... Why should I care?...." I questioned. 

He glared at me. "Because I know you have a Chaos Emerald with you right now. If we don't stop it in time, it might destroy everything." 

'He's right about that, but what makes him think I'll help?...' I thought. "Yeah right, like I'll ever help you again..." I said, then turned and began to walk away. 

"Oh, leaving so soon?" he asked. Suddenly, a large, cold, metallic hand grabbed my torso, then quickly retreated back to the robot. 

"I don't think so Shadow..." he grinned. "Now just hand me the emerald, and I'll be on my way." 

I glared at him with hate. "Go to hell..." I hissed. 

He scowled, then said, "Very well Shadow, if you won't cooperate with me, I will just have to force you..." He hit a button, then the robot reached its arm,with me still in its grasp, back, then threw me forwards. 

I hit against a tree straight on my back, knocking the wind out of me. I landed on my stomach, gasping for breath. 

"Had enough yet?" Eggman inquired. 

"You'll have to do a lot better than that...." I said with a weak grin. 

The giant robot stomped to where I was, then raised a foot high into the air. 

"How is this for you?!" he laughed, then pressed another button, which sent the robot's foot coming down towards me. I was just about to reach for my Chaos Emerald, when I realized it was missing. 

'Shit! It must have been sent flying when I was thrown against the tree!' I thought. 

I shut my eyes closed and quickly looked down, waiting for my bones to be crushed into tiny pieces. 

Suddenly, a mighty roar rang through the air. I opened my eyes to see a figure running towards me, but he wasn't running on twos... He was running on... Fours... He quickly approached, then held up his burly arms, just in time to catch the gigantic foot. Even though he was close, I still couldn't see his face due to how dark it was. He struggled a little, then looked down at me, which startled me. No, not his face, I couldn't see it. But his eyes... His emerald-green eyes... They shined like two beautiful green jewels in the night........

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