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School has been a real bummer and i didn't have a proper device to update on as a result of my bad grades. I have been writing some work in a book so be prepared for some extreme updates. 

I, However, have finals starting November 23rd so I may not update as much I should during that time.

Enough with my blabbering, to the story.


Amber's POV


I got off the plane in search of my two lovelies. Mr. Almighty and Rude stood over by a conveniently placed palm tree smirking at me.

Em and Olive were taking forever.


Maybe wasting time could be our forever.

Who even came up with that word. I'd have to google it when we get home.

I google everything.

I look over and see that Mr.A, that's his nickname for the rest of humanity's short existence, got up and was walking towards the exit.

"Huh?" I said aloud. "Hey you!"

"Aren't you gonna wait for Owen?"

He just rolls bis eyes and continues to walk away.

Oh well, that's mighty swell. He's more evil than I thought.He shall be called The One Whose Name Should Not Be Said. See what I did there? No? Okay. Well i'm not a die hard Harry Potter fan anyway.

After what felt like 60 years, Em and Olive come out hand in hand out of a Bed, Bath and Beyond store.

 "Where the hell have you two been?"

"We bought 100 bottles of scented hand sanizters."Olive says with a wide but creepy grin on her face.

"There was a sale." Em says with no care at all.

Well, it's well known Em can't resist he red or yellow four letter word.

One time she bought 10 3-piece luggage sets because, and I quote, "there was a sale".

"Let's get going." I say tiredly,

We hop in Ed and we're off to Em's Uncle's hotel.

"We're here, bitches!"shouts Em.

"Oh shit!" Olive says sarcastically."I thought we were at Burger King."

"Sarcasm gets you nowhere, Oli." Em says, using Olive's old nickname her Uncle Gregory gave her that she hates, though she won't tell us why. She winces at the use of it and a flash of hurt is seen in her eyes then it disappears.

"It's gotten me everywhere but failure, Pet."Olive say with an emotionless face.




Okay, I might as well explain before World War P starts.

Em's middle name which is forbidden to use is Pet.

Her mother wanted it to be Petunia but her four year old brother, Ryan, wanted it to be Pet. After he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic leukemia her heartbroken mother let her middle name be Pet. Amber was only three at the time and four months after at her fourth birthday party, Ryan died. No one has brought it up or called her Pet since.

I look at Em and see Olives hit a nerve.

"Shut the fuck up, Olive."I say forcefully. "That's E-BLOODY-Nough for your stuck up ass."

"Oh Piss off, punching bag." she says aggressively.

She then gets out the vehicle and slams the door.

I sit back with shock as the memories of dad start to invade my vision. I try pushing them away but they seem to come right back. I run out the vehicle, ignoring Em's plead for me to come back, and dash down the street.

Old memories make their way back.

"Your killed her" he screams as he kicks me in the stomach.

Pain starts to fill my mind.

He grabs the knife and cut my forearm. "Go clean up you bitch"

The pain intensifies til I feel like I've hit something and fell with a stinging sensation.

Oh wait I have.

I look up to a tone, bare chest and hate filled eyes.



'I enjoyed writing this chapter and i hope you enjoy reading it.

Vote if you wanna.

Comment if you want more.

Read and SHAREEEE.


Dani xoxoxoxoxoxo

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