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Mari's POV
What? Where am I? Oh yeah, now I remember. Ugh, Nathanaël. Ugh, my head. Blech, my lips. I hope Chat gets here soon. In the meantime, I could try to find an escape route. I rose out of my comfy bed, to my dismay, and got dressed. I stalked to the door that kept me from my freedom. I looked above it, below it, underneath, anything that would help. Nothing. I groaned and kicked the door in frustration and heard a slight jingle. I slammed it again and heard a similar sound. I repeatedly kicked it until I heard a louder jingle than the rest. At the same time, I saw a screw fall out of the door. I checked to see where it came from and saw it came from the hinges. I noticed the other ones and saw they were locked in tight. The thought of transforming into Ladybug crossed my mind, but remembered I don't know where Tikki is. Great, another thing I have to worry about. But nonetheless, I have to help her too. I inquired how I would get the bolts loose and remembered the sewing tools. I sprinted over to the table with all the supplies and looked over what I had. Sewing needles, thimble, thread, seam ripper, and scissors. Hmmmm. Immediately, a plan formed inside my bustling head. If I placed all the needles in a teepee shape and wrapped it in thread, it would be a makeshift screwdriver! I started to gather my supplies and created what seemed to be a master piece. Rushing over to the door, I slid to the ground like a professional baseball player. Hoping and praying that my invention would work, I lifted it to the first scene and turned. I turned with it! It works! It works! I'm coming Chat. I swiftly unscrewed all the screws and on the last one, I had to be ready to catch the big, metal door. 3.....2.....1   I unscrewed it and was ready for the catch, it was surprisingly lighter than I expected. I placed the door down gently and bolted as fast as I could make my legs move. Before I could jump off the boat to the docks, I felt big, muscular arms around me, nothing like Nathanaël. I turned around to see the face I wanted to see more than anything. Chat. I embraced him in the biggest hug I thought I could ever give and he gave the same back. "Chat,"  "Mhm,"  "I love you." It felt good to get it off my chest, like a thousand. weights on my shoulders lifted. "I love you too Princess." I leaned in to kiss him, and he disappeared, out of thin air! No. No! NO! Chat! I couldn't help it, I cried. I sobbed and wailed until I heard a voice, rough and dark. "Ahh, how I love to toy with emotions. First you are frightened of who is behind you, then you are overjoyed that it is "Chat" and last, but certainly not least, you felt sadness and pain because it was just a illusion! You really are the perfect toy little girl. Hahahaha!" I lifted my head and saw a man, tall and muscular. He was wearing all purple, and in the style of a butterfly. He was also holding a long, dark purple cane. I glanced slightly to the right and saw Nathanaël, they must be working together. "You know boy, if I wasn't saving my power for you, she would be an amazing target. She had very high positive emotions, so it created an equal amount of negative emotions. If you were a scientist, you could say it was like Newton's law of motion." Power? What does he mean by power? "I guess I have to put her back then, don't I sir?" The man nodded his head. As Tomato was putting me back I heard a slight rustle and footsteps. Please be you Chat, I really need a hero, and for once it isn't me.

Chat Noir's POV
Mari! I have to find her! I have been away too long. I woke up and heard a conversation that, what sounded like, included of Mari, Nath, and a man. Who, I had no idea. There was a stack of crates beside me so I hid behind them and eavesdropped. All I gathered was that they created an illusion of me to toy with Princess's emotions. I swear, the reasons to beat him up just keep getting better and better. As Nath entered the hallway beside me with Mari, I decided to follow. But when I stood, I made a slight rustle. I paused before moving again so that if anyone heard it, there would be no suspicions. Holding my breath, I sneaked into the hallway. There they were, walking quietly. I bolted up to Nath and pressed on his temple, just enough to knock him out for a minute or two. I then grabbed Mari bridal stile and ran. I was so tempted to kiss her, but I knew it would slow us down. When screams of agony and anger were heard I knew to pick up the pace. Footsteps were heard and that is when I freaked. Fumbling for my baton, I was panicking. Finally getting it out, I jumped and extended my baton to jump on the nearest building. I turned around around to see an angry Tomato with a strange looking man. When I turned to talk to Mari, her lips met mine. The kiss lasted for a good ten seconds. "Chat, it was terrible! He kissed me then locked me in a room, and tricked me into thinking you were there. You have no idea how happy I am to see you Kitty." All I could do was smile, I am with Princess again. "You were definitely missed. We should head back, everyone is worried." "You mean with the exception of Chloè and Sabrina?" "Actually, Sabrina is worried." She nodded as if considering if this could actually happening. I looked back one last time to see a black butterfly go into Nath. Actually into him, oh no. Ladybug has to break the thing that the akuma went into. "What is wrong Kitty?" She looked where I was and her face was as white as a piece of paper and snow's baby. We were both thinking the same thing. How an earth is that akuma getting out without Nath dying?

Mari's POV
Wait, what about what happened with Dark Cupid....... No! Only an act of true loves kiss can break the curse. And maybe it's just a crazy idea, but I think it's me! Oh well, guess I have to tell Chat. "Chat, I know you are thinking 'how will we ever get the akuma without him dying?' Well, I think I know. Ithinkthatihavetogivehimakisssincehelovesme. Whew, good to get that of my chest." "No way! You are not kissing him!" Wow, he understood me. "Either that or he dies. Chat, I don't care what he did, he doesn't deserve to die." With hesitation, he nodded his head. He picked me up a took me where Nath was. With a lot of convincing, I got Chat to leave for safety reasons. "Marinette! I will make you love me! I am Irresistible and my power is love at first sight. So Mari, can you resist me?" He was wearing a suit with a black jacket and no tie. He had his hair styled and a rose in his coat pocket. "I don't need to. Irresistible, I already fell." Blech, blech, blech. Remind to soap my mouth later. I walked forward and cupped his face and leaned forward. We kissed each other and I pulled back. When I did my eyes met with Nathanaël's eyes, not Irresistible's. The akuma fluttered off and Chat caught it in a jar for Ladybug later. Nath fainted from akuma exhaustion. It was about seven o'clock by then. I then remembered about Tikki but I wanted to spend time with Chat. "Hey Chat? I have to go talk to someone but I will text you when you can come over okay?" With despair, he nodded his head. I got to Master Fu's house as fast as I could. "Master! I need your help! Tikki got stolen and I can't find her." "Calm down child. Hmmmm we will have to use an ancient ritual to allow you to communicate with a companion for a short amount of time." He said this while stroking his beard and searching through an old book. He found it and told me what to do. I lied down on a bed and he said some mumbo jumbo and I could hear and see Tikki. "Tikki! Where are you?" "Mari, I am at the dock where Nath was keeping you, but not on the boat." The image faded and I thanked Fu and ran. When I arrived at the dock I searched everywhere. I heard a slight scream for help. I lifted a bucket and saw my red ladybug qwami. I hugged her and brought her home. Today was an emotional roller coaster. When I got home I placed Tikki down an her makeshift bed and texted Chat.

Hey kitty you can come ovr😊

Ok purrincess i can't wait😜

I put down my phone and waited for Chat. A few minutes later a tap was heard on my window. I smiled as I let my alley cat in. The second he stepped foot I hugged him. "Chat, I am never letting go, for I fear that fear will return to take me away." "Oh, getting poetic are we? Well, I guess it is my turn. Fear will have no grasp on you, for I am here and will always be. You are mine and not a single pair of lips will be pressed against yours that are not mine." "Hmhmh Chat we are a pair of poetic dorks." "Yes, yes we are." All night we played games, watched movies and ate snacks. Good thing there wasn't school today or tomorrow, because I just wanted to be with Chat. It was eleven and Chat put me in bed and started to leave. I grabbed his hand before he could go. "Chat, I am still scared that.....he will be back." He looked at my face and all of its features and smiled. Not a cocky, sly smirk but a sweet smile. I got up and grabbed a mask from my sewing table. I blushed and said, "I thought that this would happen soon, so, yeah. Bathroom is that way." He went into the bathroom and came out with sweatpants and no shirt showing of his muscles, and of course his mask. Apparently I was caught staring. "Like what you see?" "Shut up you stupid cat." I got into bed and he lied down beside me and I felt safe and sound. Hmmmm, safe and sound with my silly kitty. But tomorrow, tomorrow I will talk to Nath and get answers.

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