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Adrien's POV
*Sigh* It is a good day. Yesterday I found out M'lady was Princess and she found out I am Chat. And was okay with it! Of course the person to break my happy thoughts was, "Adrien! Stop thinking about your girlfriend and start thinking about feeding me. I WANT my Camembert!" I rolled my eyes and went to my drawer that contained all of Plagg's disgusting cheese. I then slightly remember Plagg running off somewhere with someone....... "Hey Plagg, who were you hanging out with yesterday?" I was more than surprised that he started to turn a crimson red. "She is mhmhmhmm." "What was that Plagg? I didn't quite hear you." I was enjoying every single second of this. "I said she is my girlfriend." At this point I was gawking at the small creature. I cannot believe that someone out there could handle his annoying need for cheese. I thought he only loved cheese. I guess anyone can love. Sighing, I got ready for the dreaded school. Nathalie then told me that the limousine was ready to leave and I needed to come downstairs. I brushed and smoothed out my unruly mane. It needs to look it's best for Princess. I looked in the mirror and nodded in approval at my hair.  I hopped out my room, down the stairs, and out the huge front door. The limousine began to move the second I closed the door. We arrived in front of the school in a matter of minutes. "Adrien, I have cleared you schedule so you have the entire day to yourself." I turned to my father's assistant and hugged her. "Thank you Nathalie!" For once she lost her robotic stature and smiled back. "Off you go. You don't want to be late do you? Oh and tell your girlfriend I said hi." I stared at her in amazement. I never noticed how much she reminded me of a mother. Before she repeated anything I left the car. I walked into the door that leads to my class. I frowned to see that Marinette's desk was surrounded with boys flirting with her. "Yes, I am not dating Chat Noir anymore but-" I interrupted her and said, "Back off!" All the boys turned their attention towards me and there were all kinds of questions. "What are you doing Agreste?" "We were just talking." "It isn't like she is yours anyway." That last statement got me bad. I peeked past them all to see if Mari was comfortable telling them. I smirked as I saw she was wearing a turtleneck. She gave me a supporting nod. I turned to them and said, "Actually, Mari is my girlfriend. So if any of you want to flirt with her go ahead, but you will hear from me afterwards, and I don't usually talk with my mouth." To show them what I meant, I cracked my knuckles. "I don't believe you, give us proof." I was dazed a bit but then I smirked. "Okay. Yesterday I gave Mari a present but she isn't showing it now." I walked over to Mari and looked at her and she hesitated and blushed, but nodded. I pulled her turtleneck down just a smidgen to show the mark I call a gift. They all walked away with groans of defeat. I felt a pair of delicate arms wrap around my neck. "Thank you Adrien! They would not leave me alone." I turned around so that I was facing her and hugged back. "By the way, your hair looks nice." I smiled because my efforts finally paid off. I smiled because I knew it was official. Everyone knew it, Mari is mine. The day couldn't have gone by any faster because wanted to spend time with each Mari, my Princess. And also get away from the evil clutches of Chloè. School was finally over and Mari invited me over. "Yeah, my parents aren't going to np e home for a few days so the house is ours. Croissants and all." I perked up at the word and I could hear her adorable giggle. I could live off that sound. I called Nathalie and told her about going to Marinette's house. "Adrien, did you tell her I said hi?" I blushed and said, "Mari, Nathalie says hi." "Oh, well say hi back for me would you kitty?" I blushed again and gave my father's assistant the reply. There was quiet shuffling and talking of OTPs happening. I got her permission and we walked to her home. Home, my home is with Mari. No doubt in my mind. Shortly afterwards we arrived at the bakery. "Hey Princess? Can we just go to you room?" Aww, this has got to get a reaction! She blushed and nodded. "Awwwww. Princess? Has anyone told you how cute you are when you blush?" She rolled her eyes and we went upstairs. We hung out for awhile. "So Adrien, how will we tell everyone that Ladybug and Chat Noir are dating?" "Well, how about we do that now?" She smiled, nodded, and transformed. I followed her lead and transformed. We went to to the heart of Ladybug gossip. Alya. We found her in the park hanging with Nino. "Hey! Alya right? Well I just wanted to give you a huge scoop for the Ladyblog." M'Lady leaned in and whispered something into her ear and her eyes widened. "Thank you Ladybug! This will get a lot of reads." She grabbed Nino's wrist and pulled him what I presumed what was Alya's house. The entire way back home we were laughing. When we got there I turned to the detransforming figure. "Thank you." She looked at me, her face etched with confusion. "What for?" "For adding color to my boring world." She smiled and pecked my lips. "Your welcome Kitty." I left late that night wondering how I got such an amazing woman as a girlfriend. I went to bed smiling like a maniac and dreamt of a happy ending with Mari. She could not be more perfect than she already is. It is physically impossible.

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