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Mari's POV
School....... Yay...... I was enjoying my weekend so much, I forgot about school. I got ready for school and realized for once I'll be one time. Walking to school I remembered the day after Chat dropped me off at school. We made so many good memories together, I wish he could know. I sighed and opened my purse, instantly, a little red blur came out. "What is wrong Marinette?" I pondered for a few short seconds and decided to tell her. "Tikki, I want to tell Chat I am Ladybug." I was expecting a huge lecture or a scolding, but Tikki is way better that that. "Marinette, I thought the day would never come." What I didn't know, was Tikki was internally fangirling. On the walk to school I thought of clever ways to tell Chat, but I couldn't. Maybe something super romantic. Nah, that isn't a guy thing. Before I realized it, I was at school. "OMG. I cannot believe this! The girl is finally on time!" I glanced up to see a dumbfounded Alya, overjoyed to see I was on time. She and I pranced up to class and sat down. The day went by in a quick blur, with a few conversations here and there but nothing to get excited about. Really though, my day was filled with brainstorming ideas to tell Chat. I sighed as I walked out of the school building and started to walk home. Plopping onto my bed I heard a faint tap on my window. My heart skipped a beat, thinking that my kitty was at the window, but it was just a dumb bird that flew into the window. I was honestly quite relived because I still don't know how to tell him. What if he hates me since I rejected him all these times!? "Marinette? Are you still worried about how to tell Chat?" I turned to see my adorable little kwamii and nodded in shame. "Marinette, you don't need anything fancy, he loves you for you, so tell him!" The little pep talk was quite helpful so I am now muck more confident. Another louder tap came to the window and I saw Chat. I let him into the room and before I could saw anything, he started. "Marinette, I love you, and I don't want a stupid mask to get in between us or keeping us apart. So, here I am...... Claws out." A faint green glow enclosed Chat and he became Adrien. A small black creature came out and said, "So this is the girl you're always talking about! Now I can see why." I smiled, I laughed and, sadly, I cried. Chat is Adrien! Adrien is Chat! Now I can show him. "Good job Adrien, you broke her." "Princess! Please don't cry! I knew you would be disappointed." I slapped him in shock. "Don't you ever say that!" I brought him into a huge bear hug. Then I pushed him back so he could see me. "See these Ch- Adrien. These are tears of joy. I guess now it is my turn of the revealing of secrets." He looked at me in confusion. "Tikki, spots on!" I watched as his face turned to astonishment then to pure joy. "It's you! Your her and she's you and-" I cut him off by crashing into his lips. "Shut up stupid cat." "O-okay. I'll do that. I am actually really good at that." I giggled at his flustered face. "M'Lady?" "Mhm?" "Does this mean that I can now see you as Adrien?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Well, I thought it would be easier if we saw each other in civilian form and superhero form. So only superhero goes with superhero and only civilian goes with civilian." I thought about it and nodded while I detransformed. Tikki then flew over to what I presume is Adrien's kwamii. He smirked that all too familiar, and evil, smirk and said, "Good." He then picked me up and placed me on the bed and started to kiss me. I of course kissed back. To my dismay he pulled back and started to trail down my neck. When he finally found my soft spot, he bit and licked it. "A-Adrien?" "Yes Princess?" "Please stop, it hurts." He immediately stopped and looked at me with those mesmerizing, electric green eyes and said, "I'm sorry Mari. I would never try to hurt you." He then smirked and said, "But at least everyone will see you belong to me and no one else." I ran to the mirror and saw a big, red mark. "Adrien!" I whined. "Everyone will be asking who did it." "You will then obviously tell them that at was me. Showing them you are mine. It is really just that simple." I gave him the death glare and he got the gist. After hours of playing, kissing, and the occasional cat pun from Adrien, he left. "Mari? Promise you won't ever leave me?" For the second time tonight, my bluebell eyes and his green eyes locked and I replied, "Never will I ever even dream about it. You're stuck with this bug." I kissed him goodbye and went upstairs. "Tikki, who were you talking with all night?" Tikki blushed and if it were even possible, her face got more red. "He is Chat Noir's kwamii, Plagg. He is really annoying at times, but is really sweet at heart." I was awestruck as I saw my lovesick kwamii prance and dance around the room. For the rest of the night Tikki and I fangirled about our relationships. Around eleven we decided to call it quits and hit the hay. That night, I dreamt of a perfect life with Chat and Adrien. I am so lucky to have them.

I am really sorry for not updating in a long time, and this being short. I am just really busy and I had writers block. Not only that, but my brother is really annoying and sucky so I get to deal with the.......angel! I am going to be ending the book in a few chapters so please tell me any ideas you have. Thank you.

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