Chapter 1

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I don't remember anything, I wake up with tubes coming in and out of me connected to different machines. I am laying on a particularly uncomfortable bed. I feel every spring from the mattress piercing my body. Hearing a faint high pitched noise coming from no particular place. I sit upright now feeling the pressure of a bandage wrapped around the circumference of my crown. I feel a sudden sting in my lower back, this all resulted in me suddenly retreating back in my previous state. I start to see more clearly. I adventure my surroundings with my eyes. What I see, a curtain surrounding me, a box who appears to be beeping to the rhythm of my heart and many other figures who don't seem to have connected with the name. I feel a little faint. I fall asleep.

I wake up greeted by a lady dressed up in a blue dress. Seeing the friendly face makes me slightly less lost, making me feel reassured. She started tearing up trying to fight her tears back. I slowly started to hear her muffled cries, as I hear the door swing open. 

A woman in a white gown, obviously a nurse or doctor. Seeing the lady's face, stressed, covered with wrinkled uniquely created by stress and anger. In contrary this face made me feel gloomy, it made me scared and made me sad all at the same time. I still don't understand what's happening around me. My ears and eyes are playing tricks on me. In fact, I feel like all my six senses are battling against functioning. I watch the blurred scene that is occurring before my eyes. I try to make sense of it. Before I can even think the lady in the blue dress hesitantly leaves the room. That's when I think. Where am I?

The question burns. I try to forget and focus on other things. The lady checks a few things and introduces herself to me, 

"Hello, my name is Ellen," she says with her raspy voice, "I will be taking care of ya for the next for days, how are ya?". I think again, how am I? 

"I'm good", I say hesitantly.

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