Chapter 2

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I cough. I feel my throat, as dry as the desert. "Oh," Ellen says, "I'll get ya some water.". Before I even get the opportunity to even smile she rushes out the room and I get a glimpse beyond the curtain. 

I hardly see anything. I see a small table about two metres away from the side of my bed and a wide window revealing the outside. Outside it is seems very cold out there. A layer of snow covering every surface visible.

Ellen comes back with a foam cup filled with water. This time she enters the room with a smile and an upright posture. She sits down on the end of my bed and hands me the water. I drink the water feeling the moisture filling my mouth almost immediately soothing it. 

Ellen checks her clipboard which she reads from, "So, what is your name?". I think hard trying to gather as much information from my past as possible.

 "My name is Samantha." I say in triumph, "My name is Sam"

"Sam," she says, " okay, that's great. Some cases have ended up little worse than this one.". She chuckles. I chuckled too, not fully understanding why I'm laughing. She checks her clipboard once again and says,

"So where are ya from?". This is a trickier question. 

"Perth, Australia." I say confidently this time. She starts to smile.

"Okay, so what is your mother's name?". No, I think. This is impossible. Right now I don't know how to respond, do I even have a mother? I have no idea. I decide to answer with,

"I. don't. know." Ellen puts her hand on her forehead like running first in a race for the whole race and than tripping jut before the finish line and coming last.

"I'm sorry Sam." Ellen says. She tries to ask me some other questions without hope. I was clueless. My whole life is a huge dark, blurry space in my mind.

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