Chapter 4

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The next day I got woken up by intense light. I was so used to the semi-dark light created by the wall of curtains surrounding me. A few seconds after trying to manually focus my eyes I realise that the curtains were drawn back. 

The bright light was coming from the window. She can now see the whole room. The room was relatively small and all the walls that were about two meters away from the sides of my bed. I look around now seeing a long table with cabinets and a digital clock. I thought the rest of the room would look more interesting. 

I read the clock; 10:52. I immediately thought, "Ellen!". My throat even more sore than the day before. I pressed the blue button and waited patiently. A few seconds later Ellen's smiling face appeared bearing a plate of food.

"Hello sunshine! How are you today." Ellen greets me. I grab the foam cup and take a sip. I gulp,

"Good?" I say. 

"So today we are going to scrape as much information out of you as possible." Ellen states. For some reason a shiver comes up my spine and I don't feel safe. It feels like she is going to put me into a machine and electrocute me. "You'll also be moving out of this room, isn't that exiting?" I don't want to move to an other room, I beeped to talk and ask her questions. If she knows their answers. I want to ask her all the possible questions that pop up in my head but she leaves, "I'll come back in a minutes sunshine". A few seconds later Ellen comes back with a small notebook and pen, lays it on my bed and starts fidgeting with the buttons and parts of my bed. Finally, she moves my bed slowly and smiles at me. I press a button that moves the top half of my bed so I can sit upright and we leave the room. 

As the bed rolls past I see a lot of smiling faces. Ellen pushes my bed through many confusing halls. I don't understand how Ellen remembers exactly were to go. We enter a room and Ellen, once again, she starts to fiddle with the buttons and parts of the bed.

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