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every1sboo: yo hansoOoOOool

chwe_inggum: yo bOooOOooo

every1sboo: so how is life there at ur place??

chwe_inggum: pretty darn good

every1sboo: when did u change un omg

chwe_inggum: u changed urs too exCUSe mE

every1sboo: i remember u were still han19 something like that aHAH

chwe_inggum: well who was diva_boo?????

every1sboo: u kno i dont win in reputation games

chwe_inggum: i have a question thooo

e: yezzums??

c: yezzums gawd

c: no actually

c: u kno thiz gal??

c: *image sent*

e: isnt that

c: who???

e: the slut who likes blowin the shit of every guy in school???

c: wait wtf

e: howd you kno that gal?

c: she just randomly texted me

e: better put ya protection on cuz u gonna be slut zoned

c: that lil bij

told yall
there was

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