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c: riri

r: tell me that u gonna talk to me like for idk 1 hr cuz bih i miss u
*not sent*

r: what

c: wtf is that pic

r: what pic

c: i kno u kno

r: ok first of all thank u for actually talkin to me

c: ok......

r: second, i may have been the one makin these scandals of me

c: what

r: it's hard to explain but yah

c: wdym hard to explain

r: idk

c: y would u make fake stories to ruin urself

r: im not ruining myself

r: my self is already ruined

r: and there's no turning back now

c: why tf r u doin this

r: the voices........

c: dont pull a harley quinn on me

r: oooOOooOh he knows

c: okay........

c: y am i stil talkin to you

r: idk

r: im irresistible

c: shut up

c: now tell me y u doin this

r: ok

r: so i can talk to you......

c: y tf do u want to talk to me

r: cuz ure the irresistible one

c: what

r: ok bye

riri_ disconnected

hmmm ;)

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