A New Dream

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The loud thudding noise in my ears was enough to make me realize how much desperate I was to meet this person. And how I ran here with every last bit of my energy left in this body after knowing that someone else was to return the passport, only hoping to hear that voice once more.

The noise still haven't calmed down and I could see the mouth of the lady at the counter moving. I couldn't make out what she was telling me as at that time, the only one thing that was going through my mind was,

I missed him....

"Mr Jung, Are you with us?"

My trail of thoughts got disrupted with the voice of an unknown lady. Shifting my head to the source of the voice, I found myself sitting with a middle aged man wearing suit and a lady wearing a black silk gown with a long V neck. The lady had a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Ah.. I am at another meeting.. the reason why I missed him...

I nodded slightly and they again started to talk. I could feel the continuous stare of that lady on me very well. Even though I tried to ignore, but I knew well , that she was also the very reason why I was here,sitting in a meeting,wearing such clothes.

Of course...why else would father tell me to wear something like this to a meeting...

"Okay, I think we are okay now." The man said getting up and shaking hands with one of our worker and I just bowed my head, not certainly in the mood to know about unnecessary topic at that moment.

The man started to walk out of the room and our worker followed, I kept my position remained waiting for the lady to also start to walk.

Well, she didn't.

Lifting my head up after awhile, I found that lady still smiling, and this time her fingers also played with her hair strands. And looking at her stance I was sure that she won't leave me alone right now, be it just a dinner or drink, she was about to ask for it. Despite of knowing that, I decided to take a step.

If she didn't move then I should, right?

Bowing my head a little customarily, I turned to take my step,only to be stopped by her as she grabbed my arm.

"Are you free right now? There's a nice drinking place around here that I know of.."

Surprise Surprise....

Her way of talking was making me sick. I understood very well that father sent me here to get this lady's attention,but at that moment,I was in not myself, and that seductive tone of her was not helping me relax either. I offered her a fake smile,and that red lips of her curved into a smirk.

One drink won't harm...



Life is a real mystery and you never know what waits for you. Just like how I didn't know yesterday that I would become so crazy to only hear an unknown voice like this , neither did I know today that this lady would just get drunk like this only after four shots. There's a high possibility of this lady,who introduced herself as Sophie is faking, but for some reason I didn't wanna care about it.

Just leave her at her apartment and leave.

That was most certainly my plan,but it seemed like her one differed from mine a great deal. And, it was also for that certain reason that I was now lying on her bed , with the lady wrapping her legs and arms around like an octopus and I? Struggled to release myself from her grasp.

Why is nothing going by my plan?

And maybe it was to make my task even harder that my phone started to ring at that moment. Pushing her arms away from me I somehow sat down,her legs still wrapped around me. Taking the call,

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