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Colorless people always disgust me.....

My mind kept on playing that sentence as my eyes kept on observing the man, sipping coffee from his cup while we waited for our lunch to arrive. I suppose calling the fact of having a lunch with him after returning his passport- a turn of event would be bizarre.My eyes wandered around, looking at every kind of possible couples sitting at the tables around us, gossiping,smiling. Some of them seemed real while most wore the color purple, making me feel all sick by the fakeness.

But then diverting my gaze upon us I scoffed. Even for strangers...what could I color us as? When you sit with a colorless person, what color can you choose for yourselves.

"Here are your orders sir. Please enjoy."

The waiter placed our food before us and I Let out a sigh of frustration. Waiting to escape this awkward silence.

"Please enjoy,"

the one sitting before me said in a low tone and I returned him a small smile, that he did not even bothered to look at. Looking at the food placed before me I stared back at him. The reason of that man ordering a couple lunch set for us, went over my head and an awkward smile in disbelief tried to make its way up to my lips.

Not only the problem was with him ordering the couple set, there was also a problem of me not liking the menu. There was a complimentary sashimi salad for two and main course was potato gratin. My neck automatically cranking sideways as I stared back at him. And I didn't know what happened, disbelief got replaced by adore, smile stretched and in my own subconscious I took a bite of that potato gratin.

"You eat like a kitten....,"

I did not even had the slightest clue of when I opened my mouth to say anything, all I understood was that words had left from my mouth on its own to reach his ears and he gazed up at that, pausing his eating and I... I put the chopsticks back into my mouth a weak attempt at trying to stifle the slight giggle bubbling up my throat. I glanced up to notice him also slowly taking a bite of the sashimi salad and gazing at me. Eyes met and the corner of his lips formed a little curve while I returned his contagious smile with a generous one of my own. After that....after that we did no talking yet it felt as if we had a long conversation with our eyes. About what you ask?....hmm.... who knows...

But I learned one thing after our lunch was over- colorless people might not disgust me as much as I thought they would.


He was generous.

I reached out my hands for a handshake and he gladly accepted it with a smile on his face. My mind whistled the word "different" even at the last moment of me seeing him.

"It was nice to meet you. N-sshi," I murmured softly and his grip tightened giving my hand a slight shake.

"Same here,"

he replied with a delightful smile that his eyes did not fail to present. His chocolate orbs were expressive, there was no trace of deception in them, they were as pure as Crystal and my black ones couldn't help but feel awed at that purity. And the next moment my mind went blank. Maybe I held onto his hand for too long, that he stared at my hands and I, getting the signal of late finally let him go.

"So I'll take my leave. Have a nice day,"

he gave me a small bow before turning, and I stood there uncertain of what to do,rather than looking at the retreating figure. And my mind screamed the word offer him a ride only after he had vanished from my sight. I quickly ran towards my car and started the engine. I didn't have to drive too long as to taking a turn I saw him standing and waving his hand, hoping a taxi would stop.

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