Part 6

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(Tyler's PØV)

I get through the first song, rapping Heavydirtysoul like I never forgot it. I run around the stage and jump and scream. It's a completely new experience for me, but it excites me that it seems so familiar as well.

This is actually a lot of fun. Everyone else knows the lyrics, so if I forget some I can just let them sing. They sing beautifully.

Running around on top of people in a hamster ball is weird, but thrilling at the same time. I jump around and stand on my piano and crowd surf, and by the end of the show I'm exhausted. I play Goner, and then the whole place falls into silence. Josh told me I usually give a little speech before Trees. I stand at the keyboard in the center of the stage, knowing everyone can see me.

I don't know what notes to play.

I speak into the microphone. "About a week and a half ago, I fell onstage. All of you guys were concerned, and I think you deserve to know exactly what happened." Any screams or cheers are silent now, and my voice echoes all around. "I lost my memory. I couldn't remember anything. Not this music, not Josh, not even Jenna. Then I accidentally played a little bit of Goner on the piano. I started remembering all the songs I've written. That's why I could come here and play for you. But I still don't remember anything else, and I'm afraid I never will."

A bunch of people shout what I think is encouragement. I continue.

"The one song I never remembered is Trees. I can't play it. I've heard it a million times, but nothing makes me remember how to play it, or be able to have a personal connection to it. I'm sorry I forgot. I'm sorry I let you down. And I'm sorry I can't remember how much you all mean to me." I know Trees was special to me, and the fact that I can't even have any feelings for it devastates me. I take a deep breath. "Trees doesn't mean anything to me anymore, but I know it meant a lot. I'm going to give it a new meaning tonight. So if you've ever lost the meaning for something, don't give up. Make a new meaning for it."

They all cheer and scream. I'm pretty sure I hear an "I love you, Tyler," but I can't be sure.

They still love me. Even though I forgot everything, everyone I cared about still cares about me. "We're going to sing it together, but we don't need the music. So sing with me." Cheers fill my ears, and I start to sing. "I know where you stand, silent in the trees." I create a new meaning for this line. My memories are silent, just watching me. "And that's where I am, silent in the trees." I'm silent because I can't reach out to my memories. "Why won't you speak where I happen to be?" Why won't they come back to me? "Silent in the trees, standing cowardly." Either I'm the coward, hiding my own memories from myself, or they are.

Everyone knows the song, and everyone is singing. They sound beautiful.

"I can feel your breath. I can feel my death." I'm empty without the things I remember. I'm nothing, but I know they're there, waiting for something. "I want to know you." I want to know myself. "I want to see." I need to see who I am. "I want to say." I hold the note for a long time. Then I whisper, "Hello." My fingers fly to the keyboard and start playing a little melody. I'm so shocked I don't sing the next few hellos. My fingers keep playing, and Josh starts hitting his drums. I start singing, "La da, la da da da-da." Then it's the beginning again. "I know where you stand, silent in the trees. And that's where I am, silent in the trees. Why won't you speak where I happen to be? Silent in the trees, standing cowardly. I can feel your breath. I can feel my death. I want to know you. I want to see. I want to say hello!" I sing some more hellos, then Josh and I walk to the edge of the stage to play the drums on the crowd.

As I'm slamming the sticks down as hard as I can, as I hear screams in my ears, as I feel hands gripping my ankles to support me, as I glance forward to watch Josh hit the drum as hard as he can, I realize one thing.

I love this.

And just as Josh and I shower in the confetti and hold up our drumsticks and smile at all the people screaming, everything comes rushing back like a waterfall on steroids. Josh and I make our way back onstage, where I grab a microphone. We bow, and then I yell into the mic over the crowd, "I remember everything!" Screams get louder, if that's even possible, and my smile could rip my cheeks apart if I'm not careful. After about a minute or two, I finally get the chance to say, "We're Twenty One Pilots, and so are you. Thank you so much. Goodnight." Josh and I walk off, and I immediately find Jenna to kiss her like it's the last time I'll ever see her. But it's just the beginning.


That ending makes me so happy! (Yes I know I wrote it.)

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