2. Hiccup

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Astrid pov:

"I'm going to school" I yell.

"Say hallo to hiccup for me" Mr shaldor yell back, he's so annoying.

"Who's hiccup?"

Oh no...

Jack just came down. He's Heathers half son, he's 20 got dark brown hair, and green hair and incredible annoying.

"He's nobody, I'm going, bye" I say trying to get out before he stops me.

"Give him a kiss from me" he say kissing the statue beside him.

"You're just jealous, because the last girlfriend you had killed you" I say walking out.

I can hear jack saying why does she always have to kill all the fun.

I walk down to the end of my street, here I wait every morning for the school bus. The bus driver asked me if I couldn't wait here because he couldn't really turn the bus around, I said it was totally okay I'm also kinda glad that I have to wait on the end of my street, that way people don't see my house and my family.

I see the bus in a long distance, i hope it's nice and warm. It's in the middle of November and it shouldn't be so cold.

Hiccups pov:

Finally we're almost at the place were we pick Astrid up, my morning always gets brighter when she stands on.

I see her waiting out in the cold, it's kinda sad that she has to do that, but she says that she doesn't mind.

The bus stops and Astrid hops on.

She walks down at my end where I've saved a seat for her.

"Good morning milady" I say and kisses her cheek.

"Good morning, Einstein" she says and messes up my already messy hair.

I pull my arms around her and pull her close, so she can get warm.

She places her head on my chest and I wish the bus would drive for ever, so I never had to let her go.


Now I'm in a lovely place called school.
Having history, it sucks.
But funny enough Astrid is amazing.
She knows all the answers and she's an A+ (if that's possible), it's like she have lived for a 100 years.

"Can anybody tell me a bit  about the Cold War?" The teacher asks

Of cause the first to raise their hand was Astrid. I give my clever girlfriend a smile. 

"Yes Astrid" the teacher say.

"The Cold War, was the communist/Russia/east vs the democrat/USA/west...

Here we go again.

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