4. Heather

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Hiccups pov:

"Hey 'iccup" Gobber greats me when I come home.

"Hey Gobber" I say.

"Ya dad is on a-"

"Business trip" i say as I cut him off.

A thing you should know about my family... they are not there. My mother died when I was very little, my dad is never here, I'm an only child and the rest of my family lives on the other side of the country.

So I'm pretty much alone, it would be easier if my family was dead.

"Good day in school?" Gobbler asks me trying to change the subject.

"Yeah we had smushed potatoes" I say smirking by the memory.

"Sounds good, and how's your lady"  gobber wink at me.

"She's great" I smile every time I think about her I smile.

I'm pretty sure Astrids family is better than mine, even though I've never met them.

She says it's because her family is very old fashion, but I'm starting to think it's because she's embarrassed about her.

Normal pov:

Astrid walks up the stairs heading to her room for some privacy.

"You should really try wearing a scarf with that shirt"

"Please tell me you didn't redecorated my room" She sighs as Rammy comes out of my room.

Rammy is a 30 year old man, he was once the owner of this house together with his boyfriend, but got replaced...

"I didn't... just added some flowers" he say and walks away.

Rammy walks down toward the living room, finding Heather cleaning.

"We should get rid of that terrible couch" he says and looks at it in disgust.

"Buy our own house and decorate that" Heather sighs and continues cleaning.

"Ha ha, very funny" Rammy sarcastically laughs

"I know we all have to live here but sometimes can you turn your gayness down" Heather flips her hair looking at Rammy with an ice cold look.

"I will if you would turn down your need to make-some-husband-cheat" Rammy laughs at her "I feel so bad for Mrs Bernard"

"Why don't you go up stairs where you belong, you're just mad because nobody loves you" Heather yells with tears in her eyes.


Astrid heard their argument and ran down the stairs before they would hurt each other to much.

"Stop we all have to live under the same roof if we like it or not, with persons we like or not"

With those words Rammy went up stairs.

Heather was staring blankly on her reflection on the vase in front of her.
She still remember that day.

Heather was putting on new sheets, on Mr And  Mrs Bernard's king size bed.
Mrs Bernard was at a tea party with some friends, so the only people in the house was Heather and Mr Bernard.

When Heather was finished she heard a glass braking.
She was about to go down to check it out when a drunk Mr Bernard stopped her.

"Hey Mrs is out let have fun" he laughs.

"You're drunk Mr Bernard" Heather complains as she tries to get out.

"I just putted on clean sheets"  says Heather tying to get passed him "so I'll go down and fix the kitchen"

"Why don't we use those new sheets?" Asks Mr Bernard flirty.

He pushes Heather on the bed and starts to kiss her.

"Stop it!" Yells Heather with tears floating down her cheeks.

"What are you doing?..." Mrs Bernard was standing in the door way, with a hurt impression.

"Honey it's not what you think!" Says Mr Bernard as he sits up and pushes Heather away from him.

Heather falls to the floor with a bumb.

"I loved you, I gave you all my love!" Mrs Bernard screams.

Her shaky hand slowly pulls out a gun.

"Please I love you" me Bernard says scared as he sees the gun.

That was his last words, before Mrs Bernard pulled the trigger and killed Mr Bernard and Heather...

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