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It was a dark and stormy night, and Jacob sat in his glamorous bedroom, deeply troubled.
It was Friday the 13, and also Halloween. Jacob could feel that something big was about to happen. You see, for years Jacob had been keeping a secret. He was a vampire. But also a werewolf. And being half vampire and half werewolf, the nights of the full moon was never a good night.
The full moon was 3 days away. The same day of his meet and greet in the next stop on his tour; Townsville. He could make it until then, he hoped.

*Danielle POV*
Dani awoke suddenly, startled by her alarm.
"Oh great." She thought. "The first day of school"
She pulled herself out of bed to get ready for the day. She brushed her wavy Nutella hair, and put on a sweatshirt and a pair of white vans.
A couple moments later, she got on the bus. She greeted her best and only friend Anabelle. She flopped down beside her on the bus seat.
"Hey girl!" smiled Anabelle. "You excited for Wednesday?"
"Of course Annie!" Dani chimed. She loved talking to Annie. But at the same time she was jealous. Anabelle was so much prettier than her. Annie had such beautiful purple eyes. Dani had always felt self conscious about her ugly emerald coloured eyes.

The bus arrived at school. While going about her school day, Dani's mind was constantly on the upcoming meet and greet with Jacob. It had been her dream to meet Jacob Sartorius! And now it was finally coming true
Soon she arrived at social class, the worst class of the day. It was the worst because BRITTANY was in that class. Ever since Anabelle had stolen her animal crackers in 3rd grade, BRITTANY has been determined to make their lives absolutely terribly horribly miserable. She thought that she was the biggest Jacob Sartorius fan but clearly we were. She was so stupid.

I was about to cry because of my self diagnosed crippling depression and anxiety when BRITTANY started to tell people she was meeting my future husband tomorrow. "What!!!" I yelled. Clearly she was trying to ruin my entire future, Jacob was MINE!

After me and Anabelle went to my house because her parents are abusive so she can't go home ever. She was going to stay with me and my mom (My dad is dead because Wattpad characters can't have two parents) until the meet & greet with Jacob tomorrow.

After dîner Annie burst into my bedroom and squealed; "O M G Jacob just posted a new musically!"
My heart fluttered. As we watched the new video on Anabelle's crappy old iPhone 1 (our parents were so poor we can't afford phones) I noticed something was off. Instead of Jacob's usually glistening blue eyes that glistened like moonlight, his eyes look almost red. Surely it was just a trick of my mentally depressed mind.

--time skip to Wednesday--

Me and Anabelle were in line to meet Jacob. While we were waiting in line we saw a mysterious dark brooding figure standing mysteriously in a mysterious corner. Since like any book character we have terrible judgement so we went to talk to him. "Hi I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani. This is my friend Anabelle. We're here to meet our one true love Jacob. Who are you?" I blurted. The stranger simply glanced upwards and hissed at me. Anabelle gasped in shock at his beautifully pale skin that sparkled, and gorgeous scarlet orbs. The most shocking part was his fangs. He looked into Anabelle's violet eyes and I instantly knew they had found true love.

"What's your name?" Anabelle sighed dreamily. Those two were definitely getting married in the epilogue. "My name is..." I can't remember but I think it was one of those terribly overused bad boy names like Blake, or Alec, or maybe Rider.

The next thing he said really shocked us. "I'm Jacob's secret twin."  We both immediately believed the complete stranger because why would he lie to us?

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