This is trash:(

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*Jacob POV*
I was standing in my meet and greet. It had been a long day and it was getting close to sundown. As I was waiting for the endless line of teenage girls to dwindle down, when suddenly my high quality expensive phone started ringing. I made my graceful exit and left my crowd of adoring fans. I didn't mind though. I was constantly distracted by the sound of their heartbeats pounding for my love and their necks tempting me to suck their blood because of the upcoming full moon.

I answered the phone and was greeted by the familiar voice of my twin brother. We were separated at birth and we found each other last week. He was the closest person to me in my life. I trusted him with my soul. "Sup bro" I greeted. I could never remember his name. I think it was one of those bad boy names like Jay or Luke.

"Hey bro, I just met these two super hot girls and I fell in love with one of them. I'm bringing them backstage to meet you so you can fall in love with the other one." Said Jake. I was instantly touched by his thoughtfulness. "I'll be there in two minutes" I replied. I snuck out of my meet and greet because true love waits for nobody. I rushed to my backstage dressing room to meet the girl of my dream.

The moment I spent waiting in my dressing room felt like an eternity. I felt in my heart that I was about to meet my soulmate. Finally, the door opened and my twin walked in. He was holding hands with a beautiful girl with brown sugar skin. She was lovely. But nothing compared to the girl that walked in behind them. As soon as she stepped in the room I couldn't breath. I was lost in her sparkling emerald eyes. Her perfectly skulpted knees. And also her smell. My werewolf-vampire powers gave me the power to smell my soulmate for some reason. And I knew instantly that she was the love of my life.

As I was day dreaming about us frolicking in a field of flowers or something, I was brought back to reality by Rider.
"Jacob, this is Annie. My totally hawt girlfriend. This is her friend Dani"
Dani's eyes sparkled as she gazed into my eyes. But suddenly there was a searing pain in my head. My werewolf side was coming out. The sun must of gone down. I looked to Alec in panick. Rushing out of the door, I covered my now red eyes. I knew Dani would never accept me for who I really was.

The full moon came up and I transformed. I no longer had control over my own body. My wolf instinct overpowered my feelings and I lunged at Dani, the only person who truly understood me. I heard the amplified screams of Dani, Jay, and Annie as I scratched Dani's neck.

For a second I was able to regain control of myself and I was heartbroken to see my one true love hurt by my hands. I wasn't Jacob Sartorius the pop star that everyone loved, I was a monster.

I threw a brick at the nearest window and jumped out, howling from misery the entire time. Then, I ran away for good. On my way towards the moonlight I caught a glimpse of Dani's beautiful grass coloured eyes glistening from tears and her heartbroken expression.

*Danielle POV*
How was I going to live? I was so hideous Jacob took one look at me then turned into a monster and ran away. That was rejection on an extreme level! If only I was as beautiful as Anabelle. Now I have to worry about possibly becoming a werewolf like Jacob. My life is so hard. I think I need to re-think my self diagnosed mental illnesses because I think I might also be suicidal since Jacob doesn't want me to be his true love.

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