Ch.10 hammer time

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Ronnie and Justin sat at a table sipping their coffee "aye dude what do you think of Janis at the front desk ?" Ronnie asked "she's pretty hot I guess I mean I'm not into her " Justin shrugged " man I think she likes me " Ronnie lifted his cup to his mouth "what ? We in high school now ?" Justin chuckled. Ronnie smiled and laughed "guess that did sound a lil strange " Ronnie wiped coffee from his mouth with a napkin "man I guess I..." Ronnie began to speak but Justin shushed him "just listen man I think I heard your name " Justin said

A worker took his apron off and sat on a stool ," yeah man I seen Ronnie B at the club last night dude it was sick we all got drunk right ... and I snatched his hammer , I didn't know he carried a giant war hammer around , it was in his guitar case so I thought I stole that but this is even cooler man " the worker pointed to the guitar case behind the bar and smirked

Then suddenly a cup of coffee flew his way . He ducked just in time to miss being hit . "AYE YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU GOT MY DUDES HAMMER!?" Justin stood up and pulled his knife out . The worker tried to run but Justin grabbed him and sat him back down in his seat and put the knife to his stomach "where's the hammer ?" Justin asked

"Man I don't even own a hammer ?" The worker yelled" you're right ! But he does !" Justin pointed back at Ronnie sipping his coffee . Ronnie waved at the worker "...wanna know something about me  ?" Justin shrugged and asked "um...sure?" The worker whimpered "Among my friends they call me the surgeon ..." Justin put his knife to the mans chin "because I'll cut you open and rearrange your organs...looks like you're my patient " Justin drew his arm all the way back


Justin grabbed the guitar case and tossed it to Ronnie , ronnie looked inside "checks out ! This is shiva " ronnie zipped the case up

The two walked out the coffee shop and before Justin left , without turning around he said "watch your back when the wind blows ...because when it whistles I'm near " Justin closed the door and the two walked away

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