Ch.24 hunter in hell

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The boys sat in Emans room patching their wounds "dude where the hell was hunter during all of this man !?" Justin asked as he stuffed his bloody nose with tissue . Ronnie and Eman looked at each other . "Little pathetic bastard was to much of a pussy to ..."

Ronnie got up and pushed Justin out of his seat ."SHUT THE HELL UP!" Ronnie screamed through his busted lips . Justin scrambled to his feet and limped backwards drawing his knife "what the hell is up with you man ?!" Justin waved his knife "hunter is dead ..." Immanuel said quietly . Ronnie relaxed his fist and sat in the seat running his fingers through his curly black hair . "What did this did this happen ! Who's fault is this !!??" Justin shouted

"Justin...look man I'm sorry ..." Ronnie said silently . "What ...? ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!?" Justin grabbed Ronnie by the shirt . Ronnie didn't speak

"I'm going to kill you !" Justin said with his eyes turning blood red

He raised his knife "hope you like having a smiley face in your neck you dirty piece of!" Justin started but he heard energy being charged behind him .

He stopped right before his blade made contact with Ronnie ... he looked down and seen that Ronnie was holding his brass knuckles firmly ... "getting punched by him isn't what you should be worried about ..." Eman said

Justin looked back and seen Eman charging a ball of ocean blue energy "let Ronnie go... or I'll blow all your organs out the front of your body bro ..." Eman said slowly

"If it's a fight you want then you got it !" Justin said as he began to cry and in less then a second Justin moved so fast he wasn't visible "you shouldn't mess with the lord of shadowless dances ." Justin whispered to Immanuel

The collar to Immanuel's jacket was shredded one had seen Justin . "And now challenge me ? This will be funny ..." Justin said firmly

Immanuel grabbed his drink and took and sip putting it down as he watched random items in the room turn to shreds but not seeing a trace of Justin .

Immanuel straightened his tie" I am the human blender ! THE FLESH SHREDDER ! THE SHADOWLESS GOD! THE CHIEF OF SURGERY!" Justin shouted as he started to cut things so fast it looked as if the room was in a tornado .

"And you IMMANUEL GRIFFIN ARE MY NEXT VICTUM !" Justin screamed at the top of his lungs .

Ever so calmly Immanuel stuck his elbow out and it hit Justin right in the gut . Then he jumped up and axe kicked Justin into the floor . "I trained you .... stop being dramatic and get your ass up ...we have to discuss....."

Rosetta .......

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