Ch.14 trainer boy

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The tower had a room dedicated to training , Immanuel trained everyday , 5 in the morning . He walked into the training room and seen hunter hammer punches into a punching bag .

The training room had white floors and every wall was made out of a clear reflective material so you could see yourself no matter where you looked . the door closed and hunter stopped training

"You've never been in here before ... what's got you up so early ." Immanuel asked as he took his shirt off and put a tank top on .

"You remember about a week ago when I was hospitalized by that armored stranger ?" Hunter asked as he kicked and punched the bag .

"Yeah ?" Immanuel said as he held the punching bag still for hunter " well Ronnie called me pathetic ... I've tried so hard to make them think I'm strong like you but no matter what him and Justin just see me as the whimp of the group . Hunter punched the bag harder .

"Like me ?" Immanuel asked "yes man ... I've tried to be like you so much , joining your group , dressing like you , talking the way you do BUT NOTHING MAKES THEM RESPECT ME!" Hunter did a spinning elbow and hammered knees into the bag . " look hunter ... they'll come around , it takes a lot to impress them . Just be yourself man " Immanuel smiled .

Hunter remembered when he met Immanuel in middle school. He still had the Afro , Immanuel was the new kid at the school , and didn't talk much but hunter decided he'd be his friend , then in high school they met Ronnie .

Justin was apart of the group in middle school but ever since these four met they were as tight as brothers . Through all the anger , hurtful words , jokes and name calling the four still stayed friends no matter what .

"Hunter you've never been a fighter ... that's why I gave you the robots and glove so you could avoid getting into physical fights keep things at a distance man ... don't let Ronnie being a dick get to you it's just who he is ." Immanuel patted hunter on the back . "Thanks man .... I'll always be around for you guys " hunter nudged Immanuel

"Haha man even when we're old men we'll all still be sitting at that table cracking wise and sipping drinks " Immanuel laughed " ah man it's moments like these that I live for ." Hunter sat on the bench " these moments where things just aren't about business and violence and making things right ... just the moments where you get to laugh and have fun with the people you care about " hunter said

"Aye man well have many more days like this I promise!" Immanuel fist bumped hunter

"I promise ...."

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