01| Orenda

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O r e n d a 

(n.) a mystical force present in all people that empowers them to affect the world or to effect changes in their own lives.


 You must show him, by leaving him severely alone.

    – Charles Stewart Parnell


It was hard looking into a mirror.

Because Damien had the same shade of azure in his eyes, the same swirls of yellow and green; the same lines of his jaw and the points of his eyebrows and the curves of his cheekbones and his his his

But he was gone now.

Vanished and gone, the house looked like Aaron never lived in it, that after all the fifteen years he lived here, there wasn't one physical trace of him anywhere. Not in the walls of his room or the sofas of the living room; not in the corners of the kitchen or the floor of the library.

That after fifteen long years, there wasn't one sign that Aaron lived here, that if Damien told a random stranger that it had only even been him and James, they would believe him.

And Damien wondered how someone could ever manage something as diabolical as destructing the existence of someone who was once a favourite of the family, to completely demolish any signs that they left, to destroy an indication that another living person once homed here.

It dawned Damien for days on how someone could have that much cruelty in them to wipe out Aaron's existence completely.

The maids took three days to wipe away Aaron's room and pack all his books into the library, while the butler's busied themselves with removing all his furniture out of the room. They left the bed and the nightstand in the room, as well as Aaron's closet, but other than that, the room was bland.

They took out his bookshelves and desks, along with his posters and picture frames that Damien watched Aaron hammer into place himself, and seeing all this – this madness happen right before his eyes, knowing he couldn't do anything about it, stung.

Aaron's absence was like heartbreak, the further ignored, the more it hurt.

And who was to say Damien wasn't heartbroken?


Damien knew Aaron was annoyed.

The crease in between his eyebrows, a scowl on his lips and the clench of his knuckles gave him away. Damien always told him not to be reckless, that if father knew what he was up to, it won't end pretty for the both of them.

"Why are you the one annoyed?" Damien grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're the one that got us busted,"

That seemed to trigger something in Aaron. "I didn't mean it," he replied hastily, his jaw tight, "I couldn't help it alright, Potter was being infuriating."

Damien rolled his eyes. "I didn't preorder you this book just so you can get us in trouble you pillock,"

Aaron shrugged, smiling a bit. His smile was enough for Damien to see the gap in his teeth and the glare of his red braces. "I didn't mean it," he said again, but his smile was playful, almost laughable. "It's the last Harry Potter book, of course I would get excited."

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