08| Wabi-Sabi

388 34 23

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W a b i - S a b i 

(n.) the discovery of beauty within the imperfections of life and art.


Be brave to heal yourself,

even when it hurts.

– Briana Sparacino


Damien couldn't recognise Aaron's voice the first time they called him.

It changed so much – it was deeper now, hoarser – and for a second, Damien questioned whether he accidentally dialed the wrong number, but there was just no way he did. Damien by hearted Aaron's new number, and he made sure he engraved it into his head by writing it down on paper three-hundred times.

This was Aaron now – a version of Aaron that Damien didn't see.

James teared up the moment Aaron said Hello? and it took everything in Damien to not cry in front of his little brother. His fingers were trembling, but Damien tried to steady them by balling them into fists. James' bottom lip was quivering, but he was still grasping the burner phone so tight against his little palm, his breathing a touch bit too fast.


It was silent on the other end, and James' eyes were tight – for the first time, Damien didn't know if he made a mistake by making James do this – and Damien was already regretting everything before –


That was it – James started crying, and Damien did too – and it wasn't long before James nodded his head, tears dripping down his cheeks and settling on his neck. "Yes," the little boy managed to sniffle out, "I miss you."

"Oh my god," Damien could hear the shock in Aaron's voice, the surprise. "I-I – how did you get this number?"

James glanced at Damien. "G-George – he-he helped me out with this," Damien gave James a nod of his head – Yes James, just as we practiced – and let out a small breath.

"Jesus," Aaron breathed out, and Damien thought he was going to pass out because his chest was just so tight. "You sound grown up now James." Even Damien could hear the smile in Aaron's voice, and Damien had to count to ten to stop himself from letting out a sob.

"You too," James said, and Damien noticed how the phone trembled against James' ear. "You doing okay, Aaron?"

Aaron was quiet for three seconds. "I'm doing great James," he said quietly, and Damien could feel his heart imploding. "I'm better than you might think."

"Really?" James said, smiling slightly. "I-I'm glad to hear that." James inhaled. "I'm sorry, I'm still shocked I'm actually talking to you."

Aaron laughed, and that was all it took for tears to continue trickling down Damien's cheek. "Me too," he said, and Damien had to exhale slowly to keep his breathing in check. "I miss you."

James let out a small cry. "I miss you too," he said, and Damien had to wrap his arms around the little boy to steady him. "I-I want you to come back home, but it feels so selfish, and I have no idea where you are –"

"James, it's okay," Aaron said, laughing lightly now, and Damien – for the first time in almost a year – felt his shoulders lighten. "I know this – this must be hard for you," he said, and Aaron's voice started to quiver now. "I'm-I'm so sorry it had to come to this."

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