Chapter 5

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In front of Charles’ house was a small field that would be perfect for a nap. I don’t know how long I sat there but I heard someone calling my name.
“Kali. Kali. Oh for god sake. Ember!” I opened my eyes to see Raven standing above me, arms crossed smiling.
“Hey Mystique. What’s up?” I asked standing up.
“Come on. It’s time for dinner and we need to get dressed up. Don’t ask.” She said seeing my confused face. I stood up and followed her into the house.
“But I don’t have anything to wear.” I said. She stopped and smirked at me.
“Yes you do and it’s going to make a certain blonde bad boy stare at you all night.” I blushed bright red knowing that she meant Alex. I glared at her and she laughed pulling me into the house and to her room.

“Now you go shower and I’ll find you a dress.” She said shoving me into the bathroom. I hurried in and quickly washed myself of all the dirt and sweat before stepping out with a towel wrapped around me. I used my mutation to dry myself and make my hair look somewhat nicer.
“Great now come here. I found you a dress!” Raven said pulling me along.
She threw me some rather lacy black underwear and a dark green dress. (Dress in the picture except dark green)
“Go put those on ok?” She said shoving me back into the bathroom before I could say no. I put on the clothes and walked out. She went slack-jawed.
“Wow Em. You look amazing.” I blushed and covered myself.
“Come on let’s get your make up done.” She said sitting me down in a chair. I closed my eyes and she kept putting stuff on my face, which felt odd.
“Ok you can open your eyes.” I opened my eyes and gasped. In the mirror sitting across from me was a dark red headed beauty wearing a beautiful green dress with a v-neck. Her eyes were a beautiful blue color and her skin was delicate and flawless. I couldn’t believe that the girl was me.
“Oh my.” I said touching my cheek then the reflection.
“Come on. Let’s go to dinner.” She said handed me a pair of 3 inch black heels and I slipped them on and gracefully walked downstairs. When I reached the bottom I saw all the guys staring at me in shock and amazement. I caught Alex’s stare and I though I saw some unknown emotion flicker through his eyes. I moved my eyes away from him even though he looked amazing in a suit and smiled at my brother.
“You look stunning Em.” He said taking my hand. I smiled as we walked into another room.
It was a rather nice room that had seats to the side and a music set to play music. I stared at it amazed it was extremely amazing.
Alex’s POV
“Remind me why we have to where these things?” I said gesturing to my suit in disgust.
“Cause we want to have a nice dinner.” Erik snarled at me. I glared at him. How can Ember and him be related? She was so kind and sweet while he was grouchy.
I heard the doors open and I looked up to see Raven come down followed by Ember. Ember looked amazing. The red in her hair was brought out by her beautiful dark green dress. Only a little make up around her eyes brought out the soft warming colors. She looked absolutely beautiful. She locked eyes with me before quickly looking away.
Her brother walked up and took her hand walking her into the room. We all sat down and ate. I didn’t really pay attention to what I was eating instead I paid attention to Ember. After dinner her brother started to dance with her making her laugh. After two songs I came over and tapped his shoulder.
“May I cut in?” I asked returning the glare he was giving me. He nodded reluctantly and left. I put my hand on Ember’s waist and took her hand. A slow waltz came on and we gently swayed back and forth. She laid her head on my chest making the blood rush to my cheeks. We stayed that way until the song ended. We pulled apart and I looked down at her with love in my eyes and I saw the same emotion in hers. She thanked me for the dance and walked away. I looked at her sad. She and Raven walked out of the room.
“Alex can I talk to you?” Charles said. I nodded and we walked into a separate room.
“You like Ember?” He said more of as a statement then a question. I sighed and nodded. No use denying it anyways.
“Yeah I do. She’s so amazing and she sees me as a person not a mutant.” Charles smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Be careful. She’s a firecracker.” I smiled and we walked back to the group.

Is it even Possible to be Happy? (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now