Chapter 1

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I pulled my buzzing phone out of my pocket and opened the message from Liam.

“Movie night? Meet me at the cinema in 2 hours. xx”

It’s been exactly 2 months since our last concert. The 5 of us have hung out together twice since then. I’ve hung out with Zayn 3 times, Louis twice, Niall once. Liam and I see each other just about every weekend. I have plans to hang out with Louis in a week but I haven’t talked to Zayn or Niall in about a month. I know that soon we’ll get to a point where we might just run into each other at events or potentially never see each other again.

I texted Liam back telling him I’d see him there and got off my bed to take a shower. The cinema we always meet at was a 45 minute drive from my house so I figured I’d better start getting ready. The boys and I ended up all living about an hour to two hours away from each other which I thought was perfect. If we wanted to hang out it wasn’t that bad and if we didn’t, we didn’t really have to worry about running into each other too often. I knew I’d end up staying friends with Liam, at least for a while, so I wish we had ended up closer to each other but of course it’s manageable. Niall and I ended up the farthest apart. I always got on well with him but right towards the end of our career as a band he started dating a girl named Abby and distanced himself from us a lot. It explains why I’ve only seen him a total of 3 times since our last performance.

I shook the thought of Niall out of my head and stepped into the steaming hot water.

I met up with Liam and we ended up seeing a rather boring action movie. Afterwards we decided to go back to his house because it was closer to the cinema and I’d just spend the night there.

“Why do you think we’re the only ones out of the band that have really kept in touch?” I asked Liam as he handed me a bag of crisps.

“I dunno. I really assumed Zayn and I would hang out about as often as you and I do, but other than the times we all have hung out I’ve only seen him once. He hasn’t texted in weeks.” He sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote.

“That’s exactly how I’ve been with Niall. I thought we’d stay pretty close. But no one’s talked to me in a while, except you of course.” I crunched loudly as I shoved a handful of crisps into my mouth.

“I guess that’s just how it’ll go, mate. We had our time as friends and they’re just moving on.” Liam mindlessly flipped through channels.

“It’s just weird is all; to go from being together 24/7 and sharing everything with each other to just nothing. But that could be why. We were around each other so much that it was too much... Just weird, man.” I shook my head and slowly put another crisp in my mouth.

“Don’t worry about it too much, Haz. Everything will end up the way it’s supposed to.” Liam ruffled my hair and sat back on the couch watching a game show.

I hope he’s right.



Sorry for the super short chapter but it's just getting started! The next ones will be much longer, I promise! Let me know what you think so far! :)

Also, if anyone wants to make me an actual cover for this (I have no editing skills/software so it's just thrown together) that would be amazing!

Thanks for reading! :)

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