Chapter 13

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Harry’s POV

I wake up sweating, the heat of Niall’s body half on top of mine being too much in this small room. I gently slide out from underneath him and slowly pad to the bathroom. I stand in front of the tiny square mirror and look at my reflection. My hair is sticking out every which way and the dark circles under my eyes are prominent. My eyes are red-rimmed and the area around them is puffy from crying. I slowly lean over the sink and splash cold water on my face, hoping to wash away some of the stress and anxiety I feel enveloping me.

I know Niall says he wants me to be a part of the baby’s life but I don’t know what to do. None of my options would turn out to be the way I want to live my life. I don’t want to be a part of her life any longer. I don’t want a baby, not now at least. But I can’t force myself to live with the guilt of leaving her without support and a child without its father.

I tug at my hair and groan before deciding to take long, hot shower. I stand under the stream, my forehead against the cold tile of the shower wall until I feel the water begin to lose its heat. I quickly wash my hair and body before turning the dial and stepping into the steam filled room. I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist and walk into my bedroom. Niall’s no longer on the bed and I can hear him rustling around dishes in the cabinets. I quickly slip on some clean boxers and black joggers before walking out into the kitchen, the smell of toast becoming more pungent.

When I walk out I see a shirtless Niall with a piece of toast in hand, spreading my favorite strawberry jam onto it, quietly humming to himself. The sight is enough to make me forget all of my worries for at least a moment; leaving me to simply be thankful for this beautiful boy being in my life. I smile and pad over to him, wrapping my arms around his narrow waist and placing a gentle kiss on his neck before resting my chin on his shoulder.

“That smells good, babe.” I whisper to him before kissing along his shoulder and to his neck.

“Cut it out.” He smiles and playfully nudges my stomach with his elbow.

I scoff, faking being offended before taking the piece of toast out of his hand and giving him a small peck on the cheek. I jump up onto the counter and take large bites of toast, not noticing before just how hungry I am. I quickly finish the piece I have as Niall spreads jam onto his.

“How was your shower?” Niall asks as he comes to stand in front of me, between my legs and takes a bite of his toast.

“Truthfully I don’t remember half of it. I kept forgetting I was in the shower at all.” I say as I wrap my legs around him, pulling him closer to me.

He offers me a bite of his toast and I take it before he sets it on the counter next to us. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other goes to my hair, pulling me towards him and he puts his face into my neck. He places gentle kisses along my neck and to my collarbone, once again taking me away from my thoughts and worries.

“Are you tired? I know you didn’t sleep well last night.” He sweetly says as he gently moves his fingertips along my back.

“I guess. I think my brain is more exhausted than my body.” I shrug as I push him away enough to get down from the counter. I wrap my arms around him, placing my hand on his lower back to push him as close to me as possible. He gently runs his hand through my hair at the back of my head before resting his hand on my neck.

“You have a lot to think about. Take the day off today, okay?” He places kisses along my jaw line as he squeezes my hip.

I gently shake my head. “I think I’d rather have the distraction of working.” I say at the same time I realize that work means seeing Madison.

“Don’t worry, Madison’s hosting today. You have cooking. You shouldn’t see each other at all.” He looks up at me, sensing my thoughts.

I run my hands up and down his sides. “Good.” I breathe, with a small smile on my face. I don’t know if I could get through this without him. He knows exactly what to do to calm me down and I know that no matter what choice I make I’ll have his support. I lean forward and press my lips against his, bringing a hand up to his neck to deepen the kiss. I have a lot to figure out but in this moment all that matters is him and his lips against mine, taking away any worry I have in my mind.  



I know this is so insanely short and I'm sorry! I just wanted to provide you guys with something. :) I just have 2 exams left and I'm finished with my first year of college (or uni, whatevs ;) )! So here you guys go, a nice short and fluffy Narry chapter :) I'll be updating better and more often soon! :) Thank you guys for all of your support on the story and sticking around when it takes me weeks to update! 

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