Chapter 8

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A/N - This chapter contains smut - read if you want, it doesn't contain a whole lot of plot that you will need to have if you skip it. Also, this is my first time writing real smut (I wrote Jonas Brothers fanfiction when I was younger and tried when I was like 14 so I dont think that counts????)  so I did the best I could. :) Also I kept it in just one POV this time. :) Enjoy! 


Harry’s POV

I pulled up into Niall’s drive behind his matte black range rover. His house was a surprisingly quaint, beige colored townhouse with a lush garden in front and shrubs that kept it almost hidden from the street view.

“This is beautiful, Ni.” I commented as I walked up to him, skimming over the house and garden in front of me.

Niall smiled back at me. “Thanks, my mom helped me pick it when I first moved here.”

“That’s so cute, little momma’s boy.” I joked as I gently bumped the side of his body with mine.

“Shut up.” Niall smiled as he led me up the front stairs and into the doorway.

“Where do you want to watch the movies? I’ve got everything we need either in my bedroom upstairs or right down here in the living area.” Niall gestured around the rooms.

“Uh, it’s your house. Wherever you want.” I smiled brightly at him as I shoved my hands into my pockets.

“Let’s stay down here, better access to the kitchen.” Niall grinned as he toed off his shoes and set his belongings near the door. I followed suit and I traipsed through the main area, glancing at all of his décor as he grabbed snacks from the kitchen.

I picked up a photograph of Niall and his mom, both smiling sweetly to the camera and I smiled back. I set it back down and picked up the one next to it and couldn’t contain my laughter.

“Oh my God! You still have this picture??”

“Which picture?” Niall yelled from the kitchen.

“This one of us with Zayn! Oh my God, I forgot about this!” I couldn’t stop laughing. It was a picture taken the day Zayn and I played a prank on Niall where we put a bucket full of pink paint above his dressing room door so that when he opened the door it would spill. Niall came in and it spilled all over him and, of course, when we came out laughing at him, he immediately grabbed me and covered me in the paint that was on his body, before grabbing the paint bucket and throwing the remaining paint on Zayn. We ended up having a paint fight for at least an hour before Liam came and found us and took the picture.

“One of the funnest days on tour probably ever. I’ll never get rid of that picture!” Niall yelled from the kitchen as I smiled fondly at the memory.

I walked over and sat on the sofa as Niall came back with his arms full of assorted bags of snacks and drinks. He threw them out onto the coffee table and I sorted through them as he grabbed a stack of movies from their drawer.

“What do you want to watch first? It’s only 10:00, we can get through at least 3 before we both fall asleep.” Niall sat close to me as he went through the movies.

We settled on an action film I had never heard of before and sat on the two person sofa just inches apart. Together we went through 5 full bags of crisps and 6 bottles of soda during the duration of the movie, I was about to fall asleep from the amount of junk food and from the long day, but I couldn’t let Niall think I could only make it through one movie during our movie marathon, he wouldn’t let me live it down.

“Scary one next?” Niall shook me from my almost slumber, as he held up the movie to me.

“Yeah, definitely.” I said sitting up, trying to wake myself up.

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