In the town of archwoods.

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                     We're above a small town,it's really unknown were this town is,no one can ever find it.....In this town of archwoods theres small town folk,they expeirence any thing you'll never see in other towns wanna see an example.

       We look down apon a child walking alone in the dark in the park,a strange man comes into picture,he shouts"COME HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT"he runs at her she dosent move the man stops and looks around"is this a trap"the girls head suddenly spin all the way around like some excorist shit,the man screams and trys to run the girl's head distaches and attacks the man's head like a hungry piranah,reducing his head to nothing but a skeleton.

see what i meen?

        This town is dark it has been consumed by darkness.
            And now it's your turn to see the stories of horror this town has to offer....

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