The werewolve of archwood's

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         We zone on arch wood's,it apears to be night,days are short nd the night's are long in this town.Something stalks the night killing roaming.Town's people whisper amongst the night and gossip of the day about werewolves,some say they travel in pack's some its just one a boy name tim,who was scratched given the mark of the beast,forever more to roam the night killing and feeding on the flesh of the living.

       There's a big pitter patter of furry feet on the street suddenly over head there's a group of teen's,so the beast jump's into a tree,to hide he watches the teens, this beast is tim.Tim studiest the teen's waiting for a opening to eat them there seemed to only be four of them,they passed the tree that was his opening,he jumped down and ate one whole then to quickly turn around and gobble down one more the other two ran back towards the house they came from,ohh butt tim was fast behind them how would they ever escape?

    A man suddenly comes around the corner with a shotgun and begin's to shoo tim,the were wolve sighed,and the man tilted his head"what the hell"the werewolve tim then back handed the man sending him flying quite the distance"no silver"tim said as he walked to the two teens he picked up another teen and instead of eating him he wanted to scare the girl so he grab the boy by his feet and slamed him on the floor like a angry beast then he decided to eat the pesky human,and so he did.The girl ran butt in this situation you better have good cardio or you will never escape,the girl wasn't very fast tim caught up and he swing his razor sharp claws knockng our her legs.

Well at least she attempted to escape,we'll give her that butt not tim he picked her up by the head and slowly consumed her,she was quite tasty indeed.You really think the story ends here i mean we could end it here but NO the story must go on there must be a continuation,rember that pack of werewolves?

      They slowly creep their way to a camp site there's not many campers this time a bunch of ppeople whove have guns usally it's a bunch of drunk teen's who come to party here,then end up getting gobbled by this group of nameless werewolves.Butt these people were differn't they were wearing camo and the sent of of dead deer meaning they were hunter's butt why out here?could it have been the teen's were the hunter's offspring?It didn't matter the werewolves were hungry and meat was on the menu.They jumped from the bushes and from the tree's even from the crap holes the hunters dug it seem's they were going to stay at this area for a while,something was up the werewolve's have been out smarted more sent was appearing from all around them men wearing black hunting suits to block themselves out of vision.

        They all had gun'sto very big gun's,butt you know these werewolves had this trick up their sleeves.Suddenly more werewolves jumped in these were formed from the human's offspring's they kept alive for breeding,and the sad thing is they attacked and killed every human there not thinking of who they were you see when your a werewolve your vision and veiw on the world changes,your original animal instinct kicks in,SURVIVE.

              well any wy that's it for the were wolves.

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